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@q $Id: sthread.hweb 411 2005-08-11 12:26:13Z kamenik $ @>
@q Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik @>
@*2 Simple threads. Start of {\tt sthreads.h} file.
This file defines types making a simple interface to
multi-threading. It follows the classical C++ idioms for traits. We
have three sorts of traits. The first is a |thread_traits|, which make
interface to thread functions (run, exit, create and join), the second
is |mutex_traits|, which make interface to mutexes (create, lock,
unlock), and third is |cond_traits|, which make interface to
conditions (create, wait, broadcast, and destroy). At present, there
are two implementations. The first are POSIX threads, mutexes, and
conditions, the second is serial (no parallelization).
The file provides the following interfaces templated by the types
implementing the threading (like types |pthread_t|, and |pthread_mutex_t|
for POSIX thread and mutex):
\li |thread| is a pure virtual class, which must be inherited and a
method |operator()()| be implemented as the running code of the
thread. This code is run as a new thread by calling |run| method.
\li |thread_group| allows insertion of |thread|s and running all of
them simultaneously joining them. The number of maximum parallel
threads can be controlled. See below.
\li |synchro| object locks a piece of code to be executed only serially
for a given data and specified entry-point. It locks the code until it
is destructed. So, the typical use is to create the |synchro| object
on the stack of a function which is to be synchronized. The
synchronization can be subjected to specific data (then a pointer can
be passed to |synchro|'s constructor), and can be subjected to
specific entry-point (then |const char*| is passed to the
\li |detach_thread| inherits from |thread| and models a detached
thread in contrast to |thread| which models the joinable thread.
\li |detach_thread_group| groups the detached threads and runs them. They
are not joined, they are synchronized by means of a counter counting
running threads. A change of the counter is checked by waiting on an
associated condition.
What implementation is selected is governed (at present) by
|HAVE_PTHREAD|. If it is defined, then POSIX threads are linked. If
it is not defined, then serial implementation is taken. In accordance
with this, the header file defines macros |THREAD|, |THREAD_GROUP|,
and |SYNCHRO| as the picked specialization of |thread| (or |detach_thread|),
|thread_group| (or |detach_thread_group|), and |synchro|.
The type of implementation is controlled by |thread_impl| integer
template parameter, this can be |posix| or |empty|.
The number of maximum parallel threads is controlled via a static
member of |thread_group| and |detach_thread_group| classes.
@s _Tthread int
@s thread_traits int
@s thread int
@s thread_group int
@s detach_thread int
@s detach_thread_group int
@s cond_traits int
@s condition_counter int
@s mutex_traits int
@s mutex_map int
@s synchro int
@s _Tmutex int
@s pthread_t int
@s pthread_mutex_t int
@s pthread_cond_t int
@s pthread_attr_t int
@s IF int
@s Then int
@s Else int
@s RET int
@s thread_impl int
#ifndef STHREAD_H
#define STHREAD_H
# include <pthread.h>
/* Give valid types for POSIX thread types, otherwise the templates fail in empty mode.
Don't use typedefs because on some systems |pthread_t| and friends are typedefs even
without the include. */
# define pthread_t void *
# define pthread_mutex_t void *
# define pthread_cond_t void *
#include <cstdio>
#include <list>
#include <map>
namespace sthread {
using namespace std;
class Empty {};
@<classical IF template@>;
enum {@+ posix, empty@+};
template <int> class thread_traits;
template <int> class detach_thread;
@<|thread| template class declaration@>;
@<|thread_group| template class declaration@>;
@<|thread_traits| template class declaration@>;
@<|mutex_traits| template class declaration@>;
@<|mutex_map| template class declaration@>;
@<|synchro| template class declaration@>;
@<|cond_traits| template class declaration@>;
@<|condition_counter| template class declaration@>;
@<|detach_thread| template class declaration@>;
@<|detach_thread_group| template class declaration@>;
@<POSIX thread specializations@>;
@<No threading specializations@>;
@ Here is the classical IF template.
@<classical IF template@>=
template<bool condition, class Then, class Else>
struct IF {
typedef Then RET;
template<class Then, class Else>
struct IF<false, Then, Else> {
typedef Else RET;
@ The class of |thread| is clear. The user implements |operator()()|,
the method |run| runs the user's code as joinable thread, |exit| kills the
@<|thread| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
class thread {
typedef thread_traits<thread_impl> _Ttraits;
typedef typename _Ttraits::_Tthread _Tthread;
_Tthread th;
virtual ~thread() {}
_Tthread& getThreadIden()
{@+ return th;@+}
const _Tthread& getThreadIden() const
{@+ return th;@+}
virtual void operator()() = 0;
void run()
{@+ _Ttraits::run(this);@+}
void detach_run()
{@+ _Ttraits::detach_run(this);@+}
void exit()
{@+ _Ttraits::exit();@+}
@ The |thread_group| is also clear. We allow a user to insert the
|thread|s, and then launch |run|, which will run all the threads not
allowing more than |max_parallel_threads| joining them at the
end. This static member can be set from outside.
@<|thread_group| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
class thread_group {
typedef thread_traits<thread_impl> _Ttraits;
typedef thread<thread_impl> _Ctype;
list<_Ctype*> tlist;
typedef typename list<_Ctype*>::iterator iterator;
static int max_parallel_threads;
void insert(_Ctype* c)
{@+ tlist.push_back(c);@+}
@<|thread_group| destructor code@>;
@<|thread_group::run| code@>;
@<|thread_group::run_portion| code@>;
@ The thread group class maintains list of pointers to threads. It
takes responsibility of deallocating the threads. So we implement the
@<|thread_group| destructor code@>=
while (! tlist.empty()) {
delete tlist.front();
@ This runs a given number of threads in parallel starting from the
given iterator. It returns the first iterator not run.
@<|thread_group::run_portion| code@>=
iterator run_portion(iterator start, int n)
int c = 0;
for (iterator i = start; c < n; ++i, c++) {
iterator ret;
c = 0;
for (ret = start; c < n; ++ret, c++) {
return ret;
@ Here we run the threads ensuring that not more than
|max_parallel_threads| are run in parallel. More over, we do not want
to run a too low number of threads, since it is wasting with resource
(if there are). Therefore, we run in parallel |max_parallel_threads|
batches as long as the remaining threads are greater than the double
number. And then the remaining batch (less than |2*max_parallel_threads|)
is run half by half.
@<|thread_group::run| code@>=
void run()
int rem = tlist.size();
iterator pfirst = tlist.begin();
while (rem > 2*max_parallel_threads) {
pfirst = run_portion(pfirst, max_parallel_threads);
rem -= max_parallel_threads;
if (rem > max_parallel_threads) {
pfirst = run_portion(pfirst, rem/2);
rem -= rem/2;
run_portion(pfirst, rem);
@ Clear. We have only |run|, |detach_run|, |exit| and |join|, since
this is only a simple interface.
@<|thread_traits| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
struct thread_traits {
typedef typename IF<thread_impl==posix, pthread_t, Empty>::RET _Tthread;
typedef thread<thread_impl> _Ctype;
typedef detach_thread<thread_impl> _Dtype;
static void run(_Ctype* c);
static void detach_run(_Dtype* c);
static void exit();
static void join(_Ctype* c);
@ Clear. We have only |init|, |lock|, and |unlock|.
@<|mutex_traits| template class declaration@>=
struct ltmmkey;
typedef pair<const void*, const char*> mmkey;
template <int thread_impl>
struct mutex_traits {
typedef typename IF<thread_impl==posix, pthread_mutex_t, Empty>::RET _Tmutex;
typedef map<mmkey, pair<_Tmutex, int>, ltmmkey> mutex_int_map;
static void init(_Tmutex& m);
static void lock(_Tmutex& m);
static void unlock(_Tmutex& m);
@ Here we define a map of mutexes keyed by a pair of address, and a
string. A purpose of the map of mutexes is that, if synchronizing, we
need to publish mutexes locking some piece of codes (characterized by
the string) accessing the data (characterized by the pointer). So, if
any thread needs to pass a |synchro| object, it creates its own with
the same address and string, and must look to some public storage to
unlock the mutex. If the |synchro| object is created for the first
time, the mutex is created and inserted to the map. We count the
references to the mutex (number of waiting threads) to know, when it
is save to remove the mutex from the map. This is the only purpose of
counting the references. Recall, that the mutex is keyed by an address
of the data, and without removing, the number of mutexes would only
The map itself needs its own mutex to avoid concurrent insertions and
@s mutex_int_map int
@<|mutex_map| template class declaration@>=
struct ltmmkey {
bool operator()(const mmkey& k1, const mmkey& k2) const
{return k1.first < k2.first ||
(k1.first == k2.first && strcmp(k1.second, k2.second) < 0);}
template <int thread_impl>
class mutex_map
: public mutex_traits<thread_impl>::mutex_int_map
typedef typename mutex_traits<thread_impl>::_Tmutex _Tmutex;
typedef mutex_traits<thread_impl> _Mtraits;
typedef pair<_Tmutex, int> mmval;
typedef map<mmkey, mmval, ltmmkey> _Tparent;
typedef typename _Tparent::iterator iterator;
typedef typename _Tparent::value_type _mvtype;
_Tmutex m;
{@+ _Mtraits::init(m);@+}
void insert(const void* c, const char* id, const _Tmutex& m)
{@+ _Tparent::insert(_mvtype(mmkey(c,id), mmval(m,0)));@+}
bool check(const void* c, const char* id) const
{@+ return _Tparent::find(mmkey(c, id)) != _Tparent::end();@+}
@<|mutex_map::get| code@>;
@<|mutex_map::remove| code@>;
void lock_map()
{@+ _Mtraits::lock(m);@+}
void unlock_map()
{@+ _Mtraits::unlock(m);@+}
@ This returns a pointer to the pair of mutex and count reference number.
@<|mutex_map::get| code@>=
mmval* get(const void* c, const char* id)
iterator it = _Tparent::find(mmkey(c, id));
if (it == _Tparent::end())
return NULL;
return &((*it).second);
@ This removes unconditionally the mutex from the map regardless its
number of references. The only user of this class should be |synchro|
class, it implementation must not remove referenced mutex.
@<|mutex_map::remove| code@>=
void remove(const void* c, const char* id)
iterator it = _Tparent::find(mmkey(c, id));
if (it != _Tparent::end())
2012-05-08 16:02:22 +02:00
@ This is the |synchro| class. The constructor of this class tries to
lock a mutex for a particular address (identification of data) and
string (identification of entry-point). If the mutex is already
locked, it waits until it is unlocked and then returns. The destructor
releases the lock. The typical use is to construct the object on the
stacked of the code being synchronized.
@<|synchro| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
class synchro {
typedef typename mutex_traits<thread_impl>::_Tmutex _Tmutex;
typedef mutex_traits<thread_impl> _Mtraits;
typedef mutex_map<thread_impl> mutex_map_t;
const void* caller;
const char* iden;
mutex_map_t& mutmap;
synchro(const void* c, const char* id, mutex_map_t& mmap)
: caller(c), iden(id), mutmap(mmap)
{@+ lock();@+}
{@+ unlock();@+}
@<|synchro::lock| code@>;
@<|synchro::unlock| code@>;
@ The |lock| function acquires the mutex in the map. First it tries to
get an exclusive access to the map. Then it increases a number of
references of the mutex (if it does not exists, it inserts it). Then
unlocks the map, and finally tries to lock the mutex of the map.
@<|synchro::lock| code@>=
void lock() {
if (!mutmap.check(caller, iden)) {
_Tmutex mut;
mutmap.insert(caller, iden, mut);
mutmap.get(caller, iden)->second++;
_Mtraits::lock(mutmap.get(caller, iden)->first);
@ The |unlock| function first locks the map. Then releases the lock,
and decreases a number of references. If it is zero, it removes the
@<|synchro::unlock| code@>=
void unlock() {
if (mutmap.check(caller, iden)) {
_Mtraits::unlock(mutmap.get(caller, iden)->first);
mutmap.get(caller, iden)->second--;
if (mutmap.get(caller, iden)->second == 0)
mutmap.remove(caller, iden);
@ These are traits for conditions. We need |init|, |broadcast|, |wait|
and |destroy|.
@<|cond_traits| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
struct cond_traits {
typedef typename IF<thread_impl==posix, pthread_cond_t, Empty>::RET _Tcond;
typedef typename mutex_traits<thread_impl>::_Tmutex _Tmutex;
static void init(_Tcond& cond);
static void broadcast(_Tcond& cond);
static void wait(_Tcond& cond, _Tmutex& mutex);
static void destroy(_Tcond& cond);
@ Here is the condition counter. It is a counter which starts at 0,
and can be increased and decreased. A thread can wait until the
counter is changed, this is implemented by condition. After the wait
is done, another (or the same) thread, by calling |waitForChange|
waits for another change. This can be dangerous, since it is possible
to wait for a change which will not happen, because all the threads
which can cause the change (by increase of decrease) might had
@<|condition_counter| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
class condition_counter {
typedef typename mutex_traits<thread_impl>::_Tmutex _Tmutex;
typedef typename cond_traits<thread_impl>::_Tcond _Tcond;
int counter;
_Tmutex mut;
_Tcond cond;
bool changed;
@<|condition_counter| constructor code@>;
@<|condition_counter| destructor code@>;
@<|condition_counter::increase| code@>;
@<|condition_counter::decrease| code@>;
@<|condition_counter::waitForChange| code@>;
@ We initialize the counter to 0, and |changed| flag to |true|, since
the counter was change from undefined value to 0.
@<|condition_counter| constructor code@>=
: counter(0), changed(true)
@ In destructor, we only release the resources associated with the
@<|condition_counter| destructor code@>=
@ When increasing, we lock the mutex, advance the counter, remember it
is changed, broadcast, and release the mutex.
@<|condition_counter::increase| code@>=
void increase()
changed = true;
@ Same as increase.
@<|condition_counter::decrease| code@>=
void decrease()
changed = true;
@ We lock the mutex, and if there was a change since the last call of
|waitForChange|, we return immediately, otherwise we wait for the
change. The mutex is released.
@<|condition_counter::waitForChange| code@>=
int waitForChange()
if (!changed) {
cond_traits<thread_impl>::wait(cond, mut);
changed = false;
int res = counter;
return res;
@ The detached thread is the same as joinable |thread|. We only
re-implement |run| method to call |thread_traits::detach_run|, and add
a method which installs a counter. The counter is increased and
decreased on the body of the new thread.
@<|detach_thread| template class declaration@>=
template <int thread_impl>
class detach_thread : public thread<thread_impl> {
condition_counter<thread_impl>* counter;
detach_thread() : counter(NULL) {}
void installCounter(condition_counter<thread_impl>* c)
{@+ counter = c;@+}
void run()
@ The detach thread group is (by interface) the same as
|thread_group|. The extra thing we have here is the |counter|. The
implementation of |insert| and |run| is different.
@<|detach_thread_group| template class declaration@>=
template<int thread_impl>
class detach_thread_group {
typedef thread_traits<thread_impl> _Ttraits;
typedef cond_traits<thread_impl> _Ctraits;
typedef detach_thread<thread_impl> _Ctype;
list<_Ctype *> tlist;
typedef typename list<_Ctype*>::iterator iterator;
condition_counter<thread_impl> counter;
static int max_parallel_threads;
@<|detach_thread_group::insert| code@>;
@<|detach_thread_group| destructor code@>;
@<|detach_thread_group::run| code@>;
@ When inserting, the counter is installed to the thread.
@<|detach_thread_group::insert| code@>=
void insert(_Ctype* c)
@ The destructor is clear.
@<|detach_thread_group| destructor code@>=
while (!tlist.empty()) {
delete tlist.front();
@ We cycle through all threads in the group, and in each cycle we wait
for the change in the |counter|. If the counter indicates less than
maximum parallel threads running, then a new thread is run, and the
iterator in the list is moved.
At the end we have to wait for all thread to finish.
@<|detach_thread_group::run| code@>=
void run()
int mpt = max_parallel_threads;
iterator it = tlist.begin();
while (it != tlist.end()) {
if (counter.waitForChange() < mpt) {
while (counter.waitForChange() > 0) {}
@ Here we only define the specializations for POSIX threads. Then we
define the macros. Note that the |PosixSynchro| class construct itself
from the static map defined in {\tt sthreads.cpp}.
@<POSIX thread specializations@>=
typedef detach_thread<posix> PosixThread;
typedef detach_thread_group<posix> PosixThreadGroup;
typedef synchro<posix> posix_synchro;
class PosixSynchro : public posix_synchro {
PosixSynchro(const void* c, const char* id);
#define THREAD@, sthread::PosixThread
#define THREAD_GROUP@, sthread::PosixThreadGroup
#define SYNCHRO@, sthread::PosixSynchro
@ Here we define an empty class and use it as thread and
mutex. |NoSynchro| class is also empty, but an empty constructor is
declared. The empty destructor is declared only to avoid ``unused
variable warning''.
@<No threading specializations@>=
typedef thread<empty> NoThread;
typedef thread_group<empty> NoThreadGroup;
typedef synchro<empty> no_synchro;
class NoSynchro {
NoSynchro(const void* c, const char* id) {}
~NoSynchro() {}
#define THREAD@, sthread::NoThread
#define THREAD_GROUP@, sthread::NoThreadGroup
#define SYNCHRO@, sthread::NoSynchro
@ End of {\tt sthreads.h} file.