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! Necessary routines and functions to carry out simulations
! A first step is to get the associated
! Copyright © 2021-2023 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module simulation
use iso_fortran_env
use partitions
use lapack
implicit none (type, external)
! Used to store the folded decision rule tensors
type :: pol
real(real64), allocatable :: g(:,:)
end type pol
! Used to store the different contracted tensors used in the Horner algorithm
! type :: horner
! real(real64), pointer, contiguous :: c(:,:), c_flat(:)
! end type horner
type :: horner
real(real64), allocatable :: c(:,:)
end type horner
! ! With MATMUL
! ! Horner evaluation of the polynomial with coefficients stored in udr at the point dyu
! subroutine eval(h, dyu, udr, ny, nvar, order)
! type(horner), dimension(0:order), intent(inout) :: h
! real(real64), dimension(nvar), intent(in) :: dyu
! type(pol), intent(in) :: udr(0:order)
! integer, intent(in) :: ny, nvar, order
! integer :: d
! if (order == 1) then
! h(1)%c = udr(1)%g
! else
! call contract(h(order-1)%c, udr(order)%g, dyu, ny, nvar, order)
! end if
! do d=order-1,1,-1
! if (d > 1) then
! h(d)%c = h(d)%c + udr(d)%g
! call contract(h(d-1)%c, h(d)%c, dyu, ny, nvar, d)
! else
! h(d)%c = h(d)%c + udr(1)%g
! end if
! end do
! h(0)%c(:,1) = matmul(h(1)%c, dyu) + udr(0)%g(:,1)
! end subroutine eval
! ! Contracts the unfolded tensor t with respect to the vector x and stores the result in c
! subroutine contract(c, t, x, nrows, nvar, d)
! integer, intent(in) :: nrows, nvar, d
! real(real64), dimension(nrows, nvar**d), intent(in) :: t
! real(real64), dimension(nvar), intent(in) :: x
! real(real64), dimension(nrows, nvar**(d-1)), intent(inout) :: c(:,:)
! real(real64), dimension(nrows) :: tmp
! integer :: i
! do i=1,nvar**(d-1)
! tmp = matmul(t(:,(i-1)*nvar+1:i*nvar), x)
! c(:,i) = tmp
! end do
! end subroutine contract
! With DGEMV
! Modifies y such that y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, where alpha, beta are scalars,
! x and y are vectors, A is a m-by-n matrix
subroutine mult_vec(alpha, A, x, beta, y)
real(real64), intent(in) :: alpha, beta, x(:), A(:,:)
real(real64), intent(inout) :: y(:)
call dgemv("N", int(size(A,1), blint), int(size(A,2), blint), alpha, A, int(size(A,1), blint), x, 1_blint, beta, y, 1_blint)
end subroutine mult_vec
! Horner evaluation of the polynomial with coefficients stored in udr at the point dyu
subroutine eval(h, dyu, udr, ny, nvar, order)
type(horner), dimension(0:order), intent(inout) :: h
real(real64), dimension(nvar), intent(in) :: dyu
type(pol), intent(in) :: udr(0:order)
integer, intent(in) :: ny, nvar, order
integer :: d
if (order == 1) then
h(1)%c = udr(1)%g
call contract(h(order-1)%c, udr(order)%g, dyu, ny, nvar, order)
end if
do d=order-1,1,-1
if (d > 1) then
h(d)%c = h(d)%c + udr(d)%g
call contract(h(d-1)%c, h(d)%c, dyu, ny, nvar, d)
h(d)%c = h(d)%c + udr(1)%g
end if
end do
h(0)%c = udr(0)%g
call mult_vec(1.0_real64, h(1)%c, dyu, 1.0_real64, h(0)%c(:,1))
end subroutine eval
! Contracts the unfolded tensor t with respect to the vector x and stores the result in c
subroutine contract(c, t, x, nrows, nvar, d)
integer, intent(in) :: nrows, nvar, d
real(real64), dimension(nrows, nvar**d), intent(in) :: t
real(real64), dimension(nvar), intent(in) :: x
real(real64), dimension(nrows, nvar**(d-1)), intent(inout) :: c
integer :: i
do i=1,nvar**(d-1)
call mult_vec(1.0_real64, t(:,(i-1)*nvar+1:i*nvar), x, 0.0_real64, c(:,i))
end do
end subroutine contract
end module simulation