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// This is the Ramsey model with adjustment costs. Jermann(1998),JME 41, pages 257-275
// Olaf Weeken
// Bank of England, 13 June, 2005
// modified January 20, 2006 by Michel Juillard
// 1. Variable declaration
var c, d, erp1, i, k, m1, r1, rf1, w, y, z, mu;
varexo ez;
// 2. Parameter declaration and calibration
parameters alf, chihab, xi, delt, tau, g, rho, zbar, a1, a2, betstar, bet;
alf = 0.36; // capital share in production function
//chihab = 0.819; // habit formation parameter
chihab = 0.98; // habit formation parameter
xi = 1/4.3; // capital adjustment cost parameter
delt = 0.025; // quarterly deprecition rate
g = 1.005; //quarterly growth rate (note zero growth =>g=1)
tau = 5; // curvature parameter with respect to c
rho = 0.95; // AR(1) parameter for technology shock
a1 = (g-1+delt)^(1/xi);
a2 = (g-1+delt)-(((g-1+delt)^(1/xi))/(1-(1/xi)))*((g-1+delt)^(1-(1/xi)));
betstar = g/1.011138;
bet = betstar/(g^(1-tau));
// 3. Model declaration
g*k = (1-delt)*k(-1) + ((a1/(1-1/xi))*(g*i/k(-1))^(1-1/xi)+a2)*k(-1);
d = y - w - i;
w = (1-alf)*y;
y = z*g^(-alf)*k(-1)^alf;
c = w + d;
mu = (c-chihab*c(-1)/g)^(-tau)-chihab*bet*(c(+1)*g-chihab*c)^(-tau);
mu = (betstar/g)*mu(+1)*(a1*(g*i/k(-1))^(-1/xi))*(alf*z(+1)*g^(1-alf)*
log(z) = rho*log(z(-1)) + ez;
m1 = (betstar/g)*mu(+1)/mu;
rf1 = 1/m1;
r1 = (a1*(g*i/k(-1))^(-1/xi))*(alf*z(+1)*g^(1-alf)*(k^(alf-1))+
erp1 = r1 - rf1;
// 4. Initial values and steady state
m1 = betstar/g;
rf1 = (1/m1);
r1 = (1/m1);
erp1 = r1-rf1;
z = 1;
k = (((g/betstar)-(1-delt))/(alf*g^(1-alf)))^(1/(alf-1));
y = (g^(-alf))*k^alf;
w = (1-alf)*y;
i = (1-(1/g)*(1-delt))*k;
d = y - w - i;
c = w + d;
mu = ((c-(chihab*c/g))^(-tau))-chihab*bet*((c*g-chihab*c)^(-tau));
ez = 0;
// 5. Shock declaration
var ez; stderr 0.001;
options_.risky_steadystate = true;
stoch_simul (order=3,irf=0,periods=20000) erp1, rf1, m1, r1, y, z, c, d, mu, k;