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2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
! Wrapper around LAPACKs dgges (generalized Schur decomposition) that gives a
! better access to error conditions than does MATLABs qz.
! Syntax:
! [ss, tt, zz, sdim, eigval, info] = mjdgges(e, d, qz_criterium, zhreshold)
! Inputs:
! e [double] real square (n×n) matrix
! d [double] real square (n×n) matrix
! qz_criterium [double] scalar (of the form 1+ε)
! zhreshold [double] used for detecting eigenvalues too close to 0÷0
! Outputs:
! ss [double] (n×n) quasi-triangular matrix
! tt [double] (n×n) quasi-triangular matrix
! zz [double] (n×n) orthogonal matrix
! sdim [integer] scalar, number of stable eigenvalues
! eigval [complex] (n×1) vector of generalized eigenvalues
! info [integer] scalar, error code of dgges (or 30 if eigenvalue close to 0÷0)
! Copyright © 2006-2023 Dynare Team
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
#include "defines.F08"
module select_fct_mod
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none (type, external)
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
real(real64) :: criterium
logical(bllog) function select_fct(alpha_r, alpha_i, beta)
use blas
real(real64), intent(in) :: alpha_r, alpha_i, beta
select_fct = alpha_r**2 + alpha_i**2 < criterium**2 * beta**2
end function select_fct
end module select_fct_mod
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
use iso_fortran_env
use iso_c_binding
use select_fct_mod
use matlab_mex
use lapack
implicit none (type, external)
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(in), target :: prhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(*), intent(out) :: plhs
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: nlhs, nrhs
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
integer(c_size_t) :: n
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
real(real64) :: zhreshold
integer(blint) :: n_bl, lwork, info_bl, sdim_bl
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: alpha_r, alpha_i, beta, work
logical(bllog), dimension(:), allocatable :: bwork
! The pointers used in the LAPACK call are marked as contiguous, to
! avoid temporary copies beforehand.
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: s, t, z, info, sdim, vsl
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
complex(real64), dimension(:), pointer :: gev
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer :: gev_r, gev_i
if (nrhs < 2 .or. nrhs > 4 .or. nlhs /= 6) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("MJDGGES: takes 2, 3 or 4 input arguments and exactly 6 output arguments.")
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
end if
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
n = mxGetM(prhs(1))
if (.not. mxIsDouble(prhs(1)) .or. mxIsComplex(prhs(1)) .or. mxIsSparse(prhs(1)) &
.or. .not. mxIsDouble(prhs(2)) .or. mxIsComplex(prhs(2)) .or. mxIsSparse(prhs(2)) &
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
.or. mxGetN(prhs(1)) /= n .or. mxGetM(prhs(2)) /= n .or. mxGetN(prhs(2)) /= n) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("MJDGGES: first two arguments should be real dense matrices of the same dimension")
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
end if
! Set criterium for stable eigenvalues
if (nrhs >= 3 .and. mxGetM(prhs(3)) > 0) then
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
if (.not. (mxIsScalar(prhs(3)) .and. mxIsNumeric(prhs(3)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("MJDGGES: third argument (qz_criterium) should be a numeric scalar")
end if
criterium = mxGetScalar(prhs(3))
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
criterium = 1_real64 + 1e-6_real64
end if
! set criterium for 0/0 generalized eigenvalues */
if (nrhs == 4 .and. mxGetM(prhs(4)) > 0) then
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
if (.not. (mxIsScalar(prhs(4)) .and. mxIsNumeric(prhs(4)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("MJDGGES: fourth argument (zhreshold) should be a numeric scalar")
end if
zhreshold = mxGetScalar(prhs(4))
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
zhreshold = 1e-6_real64
end if
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n, n, mxREAL)
plhs(2) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n, n, mxREAL)
plhs(3) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n, n, mxREAL)
plhs(4) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1_mwSize, 1_mwSize, mxREAL)
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
plhs(5) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n, 1_mwSize, mxCOMPLEX)
plhs(6) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1_mwSize, 1_mwSize, mxREAL)
s => mxGetPr(plhs(1))
t => mxGetPr(plhs(2))
sdim => mxGetPr(plhs(4))
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
gev => mxGetComplexDoubles(plhs(5))
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
gev_r => mxGetPr(plhs(5))
gev_i => mxGetPi(plhs(5))
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
info => mxGetPr(plhs(6))
z => mxGetPr(plhs(3))
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
vsl => null()
! Copy input matrices, since we cant modify them
associate (a => mxGetPr(prhs(1)), b => mxGetPr(prhs(2)))
s = a
t = b
end associate
2020-07-30 15:11:09 +02:00
n_bl = int(n, blint)
2020-01-08 18:36:17 +01:00
lwork = 16*n_bl + 16
allocate(alpha_r(n_bl), alpha_i(n_bl), beta(n_bl), bwork(n_bl), work(lwork))
call dgges("N", "V", "S", select_fct, n_bl, s, n_bl, t, n_bl, sdim_bl, &
alpha_r, alpha_i, beta, vsl, n_bl, z, n_bl, work, lwork, bwork, info_bl)
info = info_bl
sdim = sdim_bl
where (alpha_i == 0_real64 .and. beta == 0_real64)
gev = alpha_r / beta
gev = cmplx(alpha_r, alpha_i, real64) / beta
end where
gev_r = alpha_r / beta
where (alpha_i == 0_real64 .and. beta == 0_real64)
gev_i = 0_real64
gev_i = alpha_i / beta
end where
! If the ratio of some eigenvalue is too close to 0/0, return specific
! error number (only if no other error)
if (any(abs(alpha_r) <= zhreshold .and. abs(beta) <= zhreshold) .and. info_bl == 0) &
info = 30
end subroutine mexFunction