
622 lines
26 KiB
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* Copyright © 2007-2023 Dynare Team
* This file is part of Dynare.
* Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
#include <algorithm>
#include "Interpreter.hh"
#include "ErrorHandling.hh"
Get_Argument(const mxArray *prhs)
const mxArray *mxa = prhs;
auto buflen = mwSize(mxGetM(mxa) * mxGetN(mxa) + 1);
char *first_argument;
first_argument = static_cast<char *>(mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char)));
size_t status = mxGetString(mxa, first_argument, buflen);
if (status != 0)
mexWarnMsgTxt("Not enough space. The first argument is truncated.");
string f(first_argument);
return f;
deblank(string x)
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(x.length()); i++)
if (x[i] == ' ')
x.erase(i--, 1);
return x;
Get_Arguments_and_global_variables(int nrhs,
const mxArray *prhs[],
double *yd[], size_t &row_y, size_t &col_y,
double *xd[], size_t &row_x, size_t &col_x,
double *params[],
double *steady_yd[], size_t &steady_row_y, size_t &steady_col_y,
unsigned int &periods,
mxArray *block_structur[],
bool &steady_state, bool &block_decomposed,
bool &evaluate, int &block,
mxArray *M_[], mxArray *options_[], bool &global_temporary_terms,
bool &print,
mxArray *GlobalTemporaryTerms[],
bool *extended_path, mxArray *ep_struct[])
int count_array_argument {0};
size_t pos;
*extended_path = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nrhs; i++)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (mxIsChar(prhs[i]))
mexPrintf("Arg %d: %s\n", i, Get_Argument(prhs[i]).c_str());
if (!mxIsChar(prhs[i]))
switch (count_array_argument)
case 0:
*yd = mxGetPr(prhs[i]);
row_y = mxGetM(prhs[i]);
col_y = mxGetN(prhs[i]);
case 1:
*xd = mxGetPr(prhs[i]);
row_x = mxGetM(prhs[i]);
col_x = mxGetN(prhs[i]);
case 2:
*params = mxGetPr(prhs[i]);
case 3:
*steady_yd = mxGetPr(prhs[i]);
steady_row_y = mxGetM(prhs[i]);
steady_col_y = mxGetN(prhs[i]);
case 4:
periods = static_cast<int>(mxGetScalar(prhs[i]));
case 5:
*block_structur = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[i]);
case 6:
global_temporary_terms = true;
*GlobalTemporaryTerms = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[i]);
mexPrintf("Unknown argument count_array_argument=%d\n", count_array_argument);
if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]) == "static")
steady_state = true;
else if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]) == "dynamic")
steady_state = false;
else if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]) == "block_decomposed")
block_decomposed = true;
else if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]) == "evaluate")
evaluate = true;
else if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]) == "global_temporary_terms")
global_temporary_terms = true;
else if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]) == "print")
print = true;
pos = 0;
if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]).substr(0, 5) == "block")
size_t pos1 = Get_Argument(prhs[i]).find("=", pos + 5);
if (pos1 != string::npos)
pos = pos1 + 1;
pos += 5;
block = atoi(Get_Argument(prhs[i]).substr(pos, string::npos).c_str())-1;
else if (Get_Argument(prhs[i]).substr(0, 13) == "extended_path")
*extended_path = true;
if ((i+1) >= nrhs)
*ep_struct = nullptr;
*ep_struct = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[i + 1]);
throw FatalException{"In main, unknown argument : " + Get_Argument(prhs[i])};
if (count_array_argument < 5)
if (count_array_argument == 3 && steady_state)
periods = 1;
2023-06-12 18:47:54 +02:00
throw FatalException{"In main, missing arguments. All the following arguments have to be indicated y, x, params, ys, periods"};
*M_ = mexGetVariable("global", "M_");
if (!*M_)
throw FatalException{"In main, global variable not found: M_"};
*options_ = mexGetVariable("global", "options_");
if (!*options_)
throw FatalException{"In main, global variable not found: options_"};
/* The gateway routine */
mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
mxArray *M_, *options_;
mxArray *GlobalTemporaryTerms;
mxArray *block_structur = nullptr;
size_t i, row_y = 0, col_y = 0, row_x = 0, col_x = 0;
size_t steady_row_y, steady_col_y;
int y_kmin = 0, y_kmax = 0, y_decal = 0;
unsigned int periods = 1;
double *direction;
bool steady_state = false;
bool block_decomposed {false};
bool evaluate = false;
int block = -1;
double *params = nullptr;
double *yd = nullptr, *xd = nullptr;
bool global_temporary_terms = false;
bool print = false; // Whether the “print” command is requested
int verbosity {1}; // Corresponds to options_.verbosity
double *steady_yd = nullptr;
bool extended_path;
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *extended_path_struct;
table_conditional_local_type conditional_local;
vector<s_plan> sextended_path, sconditional_extended_path;
vector_table_conditional_local_type vector_conditional_local;
table_conditional_global_type table_conditional_global;
int max_periods = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
mexPrintf("ENTERING BYTECODE: nargin=%d, nargout=%d\n", nrhs, nlhs);
Get_Arguments_and_global_variables(nrhs, prhs,
&yd, row_y, col_y,
&xd, row_x, col_x,
&steady_yd, steady_row_y, steady_col_y,
steady_state, block_decomposed, evaluate, block,
&M_, &options_, global_temporary_terms,
print, &GlobalTemporaryTerms,
&extended_path, &extended_path_struct);
catch (GeneralException &feh)
#ifdef DEBUG
BasicSymbolTable symbol_table;
vector<string> dates;
if (extended_path)
if (!extended_path_struct)
mexErrMsgTxt("The 'extended_path' option must be followed by the extended_path descriptor");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *date_str = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "date_str");
if (!date_str)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: date_str");
int nb_periods = mxGetM(date_str) * mxGetN(date_str);
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *constrained_vars_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "constrained_vars_");
if (!constrained_vars_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: constrained_vars_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *constrained_paths_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "constrained_paths_");
if (!constrained_paths_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: constrained_paths_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *constrained_int_date_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "constrained_int_date_");
if (!constrained_int_date_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: constrained_int_date_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *constrained_perfect_foresight_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "constrained_perfect_foresight_");
if (!constrained_perfect_foresight_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: constrained_perfect_foresight_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *shock_var_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "shock_vars_");
if (!shock_var_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: shock_vars_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *shock_paths_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "shock_paths_");
if (!shock_paths_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: shock_paths_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *shock_int_date_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "shock_int_date_");
if (!shock_int_date_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: shock_int_date_");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *shock_str_date_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "shock_str_date_");
if (!shock_str_date_)
mexErrMsgTxt("The extended_path description structure does not contain the member: shock_str_date_");
int nb_constrained = mxGetM(constrained_vars_) * mxGetN(constrained_vars_);
int nb_controlled = 0;
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *options_cond_fcst_ = mxGetField(extended_path_struct, 0, "options_cond_fcst_");
mxArray *controlled_varexo = nullptr;
if (options_cond_fcst_)
controlled_varexo = mxGetField(options_cond_fcst_, 0, "controlled_varexo");
nb_controlled = mxGetM(controlled_varexo) * mxGetN(controlled_varexo);
if (nb_controlled != nb_constrained)
mexErrMsgTxt("The number of exogenized variables and the number of exogenous controlled variables should be equal.");
double *controlled_varexo_value = nullptr;
if (controlled_varexo)
controlled_varexo_value = mxGetPr(controlled_varexo);
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
double *constrained_var_value = mxGetPr(constrained_vars_);
max_periods = 0;
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
if (nb_constrained)
conditional_local.is_cond = false;
conditional_local.var_exo = 0;
conditional_local.var_endo = 0;
conditional_local.constrained_value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb_periods; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < row_y; j++)
conditional_local.var_endo = j;
table_conditional_global[i] = vector_conditional_local;
vector_table_conditional_local_type vv3 = table_conditional_global[0];
for (int i = 0; i < nb_constrained; i++)
sconditional_extended_path[i].exo_num = ceil(constrained_var_value[i]);
sconditional_extended_path[i].var_num = ceil(controlled_varexo_value[i]);
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *Array_constrained_paths_ = mxGetCell(constrained_paths_, i);
double *specific_constrained_paths_ = mxGetPr(Array_constrained_paths_);
double *specific_constrained_int_date_ = mxGetPr(mxGetCell(constrained_int_date_, i));
int nb_local_periods = mxGetM(Array_constrained_paths_) * mxGetN(Array_constrained_paths_);
int *constrained_int_date = static_cast<int *>(mxMalloc(nb_local_periods * sizeof(int)));
test_mxMalloc(constrained_int_date, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, nb_local_periods * sizeof(int));
if (nb_periods < nb_local_periods)
mexErrMsgTxt(("The total number of simulation periods (" + to_string(nb_periods)
+ ") is lesser than the number of periods in the shock definitions ("
+ to_string(nb_local_periods)).c_str());
for (int j = 0; j < nb_periods; j++)
sconditional_extended_path[i].value[j] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nb_local_periods; j++)
constrained_int_date[j] = static_cast<int>(specific_constrained_int_date_[j]) - 1;
conditional_local.is_cond = true;
conditional_local.var_exo = sconditional_extended_path[i].var_num - 1;
conditional_local.var_endo = sconditional_extended_path[i].exo_num - 1;
conditional_local.constrained_value = specific_constrained_paths_[j];
table_conditional_global[constrained_int_date[j]][sconditional_extended_path[i].exo_num - 1] = conditional_local;
sconditional_extended_path[i].per_value[j] = { constrained_int_date[j], specific_constrained_paths_[j] };
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
sconditional_extended_path[i].value[constrained_int_date[j]] = specific_constrained_paths_[j];
max_periods = max(max_periods, constrained_int_date[j] + 1);
vector_table_conditional_local_type vv = table_conditional_global[0];
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
double *shock_var_value = mxGetPr(shock_var_);
int nb_shocks = mxGetM(shock_var_) * mxGetN(shock_var_);
for (int i = 0; i < nb_shocks; i++)
sextended_path[i].exo_num = ceil(shock_var_value[i]);
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
mxArray *Array_shock_paths_ = mxGetCell(shock_paths_, i);
double *specific_shock_paths_ = mxGetPr(Array_shock_paths_);
double *specific_shock_int_date_ = mxGetPr(mxGetCell(shock_int_date_, i));
int nb_local_periods = mxGetM(Array_shock_paths_) * mxGetN(Array_shock_paths_);
if (nb_periods < nb_local_periods)
mexErrMsgTxt(("The total number of simulation periods (" + to_string(nb_periods)
+ ") is lesser than the number of periods in the shock definitions ("
+ to_string(nb_local_periods)).c_str());
for (int j = 0; j < nb_periods; j++)
sextended_path[i].value[j] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nb_local_periods; j++)
sextended_path[i].per_value[j] = { static_cast<int>(specific_shock_int_date_[j]), specific_shock_paths_[j] };
sextended_path[i].value[static_cast<int>(specific_shock_int_date_[j]-1)] = specific_shock_paths_[j];
max_periods = max(max_periods, static_cast<int>(specific_shock_int_date_[j]));
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < nb_periods; i++)
int buflen = mxGetNumberOfElements(mxGetCell(date_str, i)) + 1;
char *buf = static_cast<char *>(mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char)));
int info = mxGetString(mxGetCell(date_str, i), buf, buflen);
if (info)
mexErrMsgTxt("Can not allocated memory to store the date_str in the extended path descriptor");
dates.emplace_back(buf); //string(Dates[i]);
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
if (!steady_state)
int field = mxGetFieldNumber(M_, "maximum_lag");
if (field >= 0)
y_kmin = static_cast<int>(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, field)))));
mexErrMsgTxt("maximum_lag is not a field of M_");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(M_, "maximum_lead");
if (field >= 0)
y_kmax = static_cast<int>(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, field)))));
mexErrMsgTxt("maximum_lead is not a field of M_");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(M_, "maximum_endo_lag");
if (field >= 0)
y_decal = max(0, y_kmin-static_cast<int>(floor(*(mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, field))))));
mexErrMsgTxt("maximum_endo_lag is not a field of M_");
int field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "verbosity");
if (field >= 0)
verbosity = static_cast<int>(mxGetScalar(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field)));
mexErrMsgTxt("verbosity is not a field of options_");
if (!steady_state)
field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "simul");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "steady");
mxArray *temporaryfield;
if (field >= 0)
temporaryfield = mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field);
if (!steady_state)
mexErrMsgTxt("simul is not a field of options_");
mexErrMsgTxt("steady is not a field of options_");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(temporaryfield, "maxit");
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
if (field < 0)
if (!steady_state)
mexErrMsgTxt("maxit is not a field of options_.simul");
mexErrMsgTxt("maxit is not a field of options_.steady");
int maxit_ = static_cast<int>(floor(*mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(temporaryfield, 0, field))));
field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "markowitz");
if (field < 0)
mexErrMsgTxt("markowitz is not a field of options_");
auto markowitz_c = static_cast<double>(*mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field)));
field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "minimal_solving_periods");
if (field < 0)
mexErrMsgTxt("minimal_solving_periods is not a field of options_");
int minimal_solving_periods = static_cast<int>(*mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field)));
field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "stack_solve_algo");
if (field < 0)
mexErrMsgTxt("stack_solve_algo is not a field of options_");
int stack_solve_algo = static_cast<int>(*mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field)));
int solve_algo;
double solve_tolf;
if (steady_state)
int field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "solve_algo");
if (field >= 0)
solve_algo = static_cast<int>(*mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field)));
mexErrMsgTxt("solve_algo is not a field of options_");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "solve_tolf");
if (field >= 0)
solve_tolf = *mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field));
mexErrMsgTxt("solve_tolf is not a field of options_");
solve_algo = stack_solve_algo;
int field = mxGetFieldNumber(options_, "dynatol");
mxArray *dynatol;
if (field >= 0)
dynatol = mxGetFieldByNumber(options_, 0, field);
mexErrMsgTxt("dynatol is not a field of options_");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(dynatol, "f");
if (field >= 0)
solve_tolf = *mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(dynatol, 0, field));
mexErrMsgTxt("f is not a field of options_.dynatol");
field = mxGetFieldNumber(M_, "fname");
mxArray *mxa;
if (field >= 0)
mxa = mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, field);
mexErrMsgTxt("fname is not a field of M_");
size_t buflen = mxGetM(mxa) * mxGetN(mxa) + 1;
char *fname = static_cast<char *>(mxCalloc(buflen+1, sizeof(char)));
size_t status = mxGetString(mxa, fname, static_cast<int>(buflen));
fname[buflen] = ' ';
if (status != 0)
mexWarnMsgTxt("Not enough space. Filename is truncated.");
string file_name = fname;
2023-02-21 22:20:46 +01:00
if (stack_solve_algo == 7 && !steady_state && !print)
mexErrMsgTxt("Bytecode: Can't use option stack_solve_algo=7");
2021-02-01 14:03:57 +01:00
if (steady_state && !evaluate && !print && (solve_algo < 5 || solve_algo > 8))
mexErrMsgTxt("Bytecode: solve_algo must be between 5 and 8 when using the internal steady state solver");
size_t size_of_direction = col_y*row_y*sizeof(double);
auto *y = static_cast<double *>(mxMalloc(size_of_direction));
test_mxMalloc(y, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size_of_direction);
auto *ya = static_cast<double *>(mxMalloc(size_of_direction));
test_mxMalloc(ya, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size_of_direction);
direction = static_cast<double *>(mxMalloc(size_of_direction));
test_mxMalloc(direction, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size_of_direction);
auto *x = static_cast<double *>(mxMalloc(col_x*row_x*sizeof(double)));
test_mxMalloc(x, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, col_x*row_x*sizeof(double));
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
fill_n(direction, row_y*col_y, 0);
copy_n(xd, row_x*col_x, x);
copy_n(yd, row_y*col_y, y);
copy_n(yd, row_y*col_y, ya);
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
const filesystem::path codfile {file_name + "/model/bytecode/" + (block_decomposed ? "block/" : "")
+ (steady_state ? "static" : "dynamic") + ".cod"};
Evaluate evaluator {codfile, steady_state, symbol_table};
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
Interpreter interprete {evaluator, params, y, ya, x, steady_yd, direction, row_y, row_x,
periods, y_kmin, y_kmax, maxit_, solve_tolf, y_decal,
markowitz_c, file_name, minimal_solving_periods, stack_solve_algo,
solve_algo, global_temporary_terms, print, GlobalTemporaryTerms,
steady_state, block_decomposed, col_x, col_y, symbol_table, verbosity};
double *pind;
bool r;
vector<int> blocks;
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
if (extended_path)
tie(r, blocks) = interprete.extended_path(file_name, evaluate, block, max_periods, sextended_path, sconditional_extended_path, dates, table_conditional_global);
tie(r, blocks) = interprete.compute_blocks(file_name, evaluate, block);
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
catch (GeneralException &feh)
2023-04-18 21:50:55 +02:00
// Release the lock on dynamic.bin for MATLAB+Windows, see #1815
bool dont_store_a_structure = false;
if (nlhs > 0)
if (evaluate)
vector<double> residual = interprete.get_residual();
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(static_cast<int>(residual.size()/periods),
static_cast<int>(periods), mxREAL);
std::copy(residual.begin(), residual.end(), mxGetPr(plhs[0]));
int out_periods = extended_path ? max_periods + y_kmin : col_y;
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(static_cast<int>(row_y), out_periods, mxREAL);
std::copy_n(y, row_y*out_periods, mxGetPr(plhs[0]));
if (nlhs > 1)
if (evaluate)
int jacob_field_number = 0, jacob_exo_field_number = 0,
jacob_exo_det_field_number = 0;
if (!block_structur)
const char *field_names[] = {"g1", "g1_x", "g1_xd"};
jacob_field_number = 0;
jacob_exo_field_number = 1;
jacob_exo_det_field_number = 2;
mwSize dims[1] = { static_cast<mwSize>(blocks.size()) };
plhs[1] = mxCreateStructArray(1, dims, std::extent_v<decltype(field_names)>, field_names);
else if (!mxIsStruct(block_structur))
plhs[1] = interprete.get_jacob(blocks[0]);
dont_store_a_structure = true;
plhs[1] = block_structur;
jacob_field_number = mxAddField(plhs[1], "g1");
if (jacob_field_number == -1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Fatal error in bytecode: in main, cannot add extra field jacob to the structArray");
jacob_exo_field_number = mxAddField(plhs[1], "g1_x");
if (jacob_exo_field_number == -1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Fatal error in bytecode: in main, cannot add extra field jacob_exo to the structArray");
jacob_exo_det_field_number = mxAddField(plhs[1], "g1_xd");
if (jacob_exo_det_field_number == -1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Fatal error in bytecode: in main, cannot add extra field jacob_exo_det to the structArray");
if (!dont_store_a_structure)
for (size_t i {0}; i < blocks.size(); i++)
mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[1], i, jacob_field_number, interprete.get_jacob(blocks[i]));
if (!steady_state)
mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[1], i, jacob_exo_field_number, interprete.get_jacob_exo(blocks[i]));
mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[1], i, jacob_exo_det_field_number, interprete.get_jacob_exo_det(blocks[i]));
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(static_cast<int>(row_x), static_cast<int>(col_x), mxREAL);
pind = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
for (i = 0; i < row_x*col_x; i++)
pind[i] = x[i];
if (nlhs > 2)
plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(static_cast<int>(row_y), static_cast<int>(col_y), mxREAL);
pind = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
for (i = 0; i < row_y*col_y; i++)
pind[i] = y[i];
if (nlhs > 3)
mxArray *GlobalTemporaryTerms = interprete.get_Temporary_Terms();
size_t nb_temp_terms = mxGetM(GlobalTemporaryTerms);
plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(static_cast<int>(nb_temp_terms), 1, mxREAL);
pind = mxGetPr(plhs[3]);
double *tt = mxGetPr(GlobalTemporaryTerms);
for (i = 0; i < nb_temp_terms; i++)
pind[i] = tt[i];
if (x)
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
if (y)
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
if (ya)
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00
if (direction)
2017-05-16 16:30:27 +02:00