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function B = subsref(A,S) % --*-- Unitary tests --*--
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
% Overload the subsref method for dates objects.
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
% o A dates object.
% o S matlab's structure.
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
% o B dates object.
% See the matlab's documentation about the subsref method.
2013-02-05 12:49:41 +01:00
% Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
switch S(1).type
case '.'
2011-10-20 15:02:58 +02:00
switch S(1).subs
case {'time','freq','ndat'}% Access public members.
if length(S)>1 && isequal(S(2).type,'()') && isempty(S(2).subs)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: ' S(1).subs ' is not a method but a member!'])
2011-10-20 15:02:58 +02:00
B = builtin('subsref', A, S(1));
case {'sort','unique','double','isempty','length'}% Public methods (without arguments)
B = feval(S(1).subs,A);
if length(S)>1 && isequal(S(2).type,'()') && isempty(S(2).subs)
S = shiftS(S);
case {'append','pop'}% Public methods (with arguments).
if isequal(S(2).type,'()')
B = feval(S(1).subs,A,S(2).subs{:});
S = shiftS(S);
2011-10-20 15:02:58 +02:00
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Something is wrong in your syntax!')
2011-10-20 15:02:58 +02:00
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Unknown public member or method!')
2011-10-20 15:02:58 +02:00
case '()'
if isempty(A)
if isempty(A.freq)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
% Populate an empty dates object with time member (freq is not specified). Needs two or three inputs. First input is an integer
% scalar specifying the frequency. Second input is either the time member (a n*2 array of integers) or a column vector with n
% elements (the first column of the time member --> years). If the the second input is a row vector and if A.freq~=1 a third input
% is necessary. The third input is n*1 vector of integers between 1 and A.freq (second column of the time member --> subperiods).
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
B = dates();
% First input is the frequency.
if isfreq(S(1).subs{1})
if ischar(S(1).subs{1})
B.freq = string2freq(S(1).subs{1});
B.freq = S(1).subs{1};
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: First input must be a frequency!')
if isequal(length(S(1).subs),2)
% If two inputs are provided, the second input must be a n*2 array except if frequency is annual.
[n, m] = size(S(1).subs{2});
if m>2
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Second input argument array cannot have more than two columns!')
if ~isequal(m,2) && ~isequal(B.freq,1)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Second argument has to be a n*2 array for non annual frequency!')
if ~all(all(S(1).subs{2}))
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Second argument has be an array of intergers!')
if m>1 && ~issubperiod(S(1).subs{2}(:,2),B.freq)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: Elements in the second column of the first input argument are not legal subperiods (should be integers betwwen 1 and ' num2str(B.freq) ')!'])
if isequal(m,2)
B.time = S(1).subs{2};
elseif isequal(m,1)
B.time = [S(1).subs{2}, ones(n,1)];
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: This is a bug!'])
B.ndat = rows(B.time);
elseif isequal(length(S(1).subs),3)
% If three inputs are provided, the second and third inputs are column verctors of integers (years and subperiods).
if ~iscolumn(S(1).subs{2}) && ~all(isint(S(1).subs{2}))
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Second input argument must be a column vector of integers!')
n1 = size(S(1).subs{2},1);
if ~iscolumn(S(1).subs{3}) && ~issubperiod(S(1).subs{3}, B.freq)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: Third input argument must be a column vector of subperiods (integers between 1 and ' num2str(B.freq) ')!'])
n2 = size(S(1).subs{3},1);
if ~isequal(n1,n2)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Second and third input arguments must have the same number of elements!')
B.time = [S(1).subs{2}, S(1).subs{3}];
B.ndat = rows(B.time);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Wrong calling sequence!')
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
% Populate an empty dates object with time member (freq is already specified).
% Needs one (time) or two (first and second columns of time for years and subperiods) inputs.
B = A;
if isequal(length(S(1).subs),2)
if ~iscolumn(S(1).subs{1}) && ~all(isint(S(1).subs{1}))
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: First argument has to be a column vector of integers!')
n1 = size(S(1).subs{1},1);
if ~iscolumn(S(1).subs{2}) && ~issubperiod(S(1).subs{2}, B.freq)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: Second argument has to be a column vector of subperiods (integers between 1 and ' num2str(B.freq) ')!'])
n2 = size(S(1).subs{2},1);
if ~isequal(n2,n1)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: First and second argument must have the same number of rows!')
B.time = [S(1).subs{1}, S(1).subs{2}];
B.ndat = rows(B.time);
elseif isequal(length(S(1).subs),1)
[n, m] = size(S(1).subs{1});
if ~isequal(m,2) && ~isequal(B.freq,1)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: First argument has to be a n*2 array!')
if ~all(isint(S(1).subs{1}(:,1)))
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: First column of the first argument has to be a column vector of integers!')
if m>1 && issubperiod(S(1).subs{1}(:,1), B.freq)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: The second column of the first input argument has to be a column vector of subperiods (integers between 1 and ' num2str(B.freq) ')!'])
if isequal(m,2)
B.time = S(1).subs{1};
elseif isequal(m,1) && isequal(B.freq,1)
B.time = [S(1).subs{1}, ones(n,1)];
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: This is a bug!'])
B.ndat = rows(B.time);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Wrong number of inputs!')
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
% dates object A is not empty. We extract some dates
if isvector(S(1).subs{1}) && all(isint(S(1).subs{1})) && all(S(1).subs{1}>0) && all(S(1).subs{1}<=A.ndat)
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
B = dates();
B.freq = A.freq;
B.time = A.time(S(1).subs{1},:);
B.ndat = rows(B.time);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error(['dates::subsref: indices has to be a vector of positive integers less than or equal to ' int2str(A.ndat) '!'])
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
error('dates::subsref: Something is wrong in your syntax!')
S = shiftS(S);
if ~isempty(S)
B = subsref(B, S);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Define a dates object
%$ B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2','1950Q3','1950Q4','1951Q1');
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Try to extract a sub-dates object.
%$ d = B(2:3);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ if isa(d,'dates')
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ else
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ if t(1)
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,B.freq);
%$ t(3) = dyn_assert(d.time,[1950 2; 1950 3]);
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert(d.ndat,2);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Define a dates object
%$ B = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1960Q3');
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Try to extract a sub-dates object and apply a method
%$ d = B(2:3).sort ;
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ if isa(d,'dates')
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ else
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ if t(1)
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,B.freq);
%$ t(3) = dyn_assert(d.time,[1950 2; 1950 3]);
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert(d.ndat,2);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Define a dates object
%$ B = dates('1950Q1'):dates('1960Q3');
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Try to extract a sub-dates object and apply a method
%$ d = B(2:3).sort() ;
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ if isa(d,'dates')
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ else
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ if t(1)
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,B.freq);
%$ t(3) = dyn_assert(d.time,[1950 2; 1950 3]);
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert(d.ndat,2);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Define a dates object
%$ B = dates('1950Q1','1950Q2','1950Q3','1950Q4','1951Q1');
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Try to extract a sub-dates object.
%$ d = B(2);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ if isa(d,'dates')
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ else
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ if t(1)
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(d.freq,B.freq);
%$ t(3) = dyn_assert(d.time,[1950 2]);
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert(d.ndat,1);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Define an empty dates object with quaterly frequency.
%$ qq = dates('Q');
%$ % Define a ranges of dates using qq.
%$ try
%$ r1 = qq(1950,1):qq([1950, 3]);
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ if t(1)
%$ try
%$ r2 = qq([1950, 1; 1950, 2; 1950, 3]);
%$ t(2) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(2) = 0;
%$ end
%$ end
%$ if t(1) && t(2)
%$ try
%$ r3 = qq(1950*ones(3,1), transpose(1:3));
%$ t(3) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(3) = 0;
%$ end
%$ end
%$ if t(1) && t(2) && t(3)
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert(isequal(r1,r2),1);
%$ t(5) = dyn_assert(isequal(r1,r3),1);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);
2013-10-15 15:36:21 +02:00
%$ % Define an empty dates object with quaterly frequency.
%$ date = dates();
%$ % Define a ranges of dates using qq.
%$ try
%$ r1 = date(4,1950,1):date(4,[1950, 3]);
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ if t(1)
%$ try
%$ r2 = date(4,[1950, 1; 1950, 2; 1950, 3]);
%$ t(2) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(2) = 0;
%$ end
%$ end
%$ if t(1) && t(2)
%$ try
%$ r3 = date(4,1950*ones(3,1), transpose(1:3));
%$ t(3) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(3) = 0;
%$ end
%$ end
%$ if t(1) && t(2) && t(3)
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert(isequal(r1,r2),1);
%$ t(5) = dyn_assert(isequal(r1,r3),1);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);