
261 lines
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\pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=3mm,landscape]
\title{Dynare Time Series \& Reporting}
\author{Houtan Bastani}
\date{13 June 2014}
\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}[from second]
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\section{Time Series}
\item Provide support for time series in Dynare
\item Introduced in Dynare 4.4
\item Currently only used for reporting.
\item Use will increase with time (\textit{e.g.,} to be included in new estimation code)
\item Two components of a time series:
\item A time component. In Dynare: \texttt{dates}
\item A data component mapped to time. In Dynare: \texttt{dseries}
\subsubsection{\texttt{dates} Syntax}
\frametitle{\texttt{dates} Syntax}
\item The \texttt{dates} command creates an object that represents at least one date at a given frequency
\item Yearly: \texttt{`Y', `y', 1}
\item Quarterly: \texttt{`Q', `q', 4}
\item Monthly: \texttt{`M', `m', 12}
\item Weekly: \texttt{`W', `w', 52}
\item It has two slightly different syntaxes
\item One for inclusion in \texttt{.m} files
\item One for inclusion in \texttt{.mod} files (simplified, taking advantage of the preprocessor)
\item Minimal restrictions on dates. Can be
\item Negative
\item Empty
\item Noncontiguous
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dates} object}
\item A single date:
\item In a \texttt{.m} file: \texttt{t = dates(`1999y');}
\item In a \texttt{.mod} file: \texttt{t = 1999y;}
\item A date range:
\item In a \texttt{.m} file: \texttt{t = dates(`1999y'):dates(`2020y');}
\item In a \texttt{.mod} file: \texttt{t = 1999y:2020y;}
\frametitle{Modifying \texttt{dates}}
\item \texttt{append}: appends a date to the date
\item \texttt{t.append(dates(`2021y'));}
\item \texttt{pop}:
\item \texttt{sort}:
\frametitle{Getting info about \texttt{dates}}
\item \texttt{double}: returns a floating point representation of the date
\item \texttt{t.double;}
\item \texttt{freq}: returns the frequency
\item \texttt{t.freq;}
\frametitle{Comparing \texttt{dates}}
\subsubsection{\texttt{dseries} Syntax}
\item Introduced in Dynare 4.4
\item Introduce reporting functionality to Dynare
\item Input: \texttt{dseries}
\item Output: \LaTeX\ report \& compiled \texttt{.pdf}
\item Graphs and Tables are modular
\item Can easily be included in another document
\item Graphs are produced in Ti$k$Z
\item Scales well
\item Formating follows that of enclosing document
\item Works with Matlab \& Octave
\item Works approximately 5 times faster than Iris reporting
\frametitle{Reporting Class Hierarchy}
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node distance = .45cm,
line/.style={->, >=stealth'},
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\node (Section) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, below=of Page]
\node (Vspace) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, below=of Section]
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\node (Table) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, right=of Vspace, text height=]
\node (Series) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, below=of Vspace]
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\draw [line] (Series) to node { } (Graph);
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