
635 lines
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/* $Id: tests.cpp 431 2005-08-16 15:41:01Z kamenik $ */
/* Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik */
#include "GeneralMatrix.hh"
#include <dynlapack.h>
#include "SylvException.hh"
#include "rfs_tensor.hh"
#include "normal_moments.hh"
#include "vector_function.hh"
#include "quadrature.hh"
#include "smolyak.hh"
#include "product.hh"
#include "quasi_mcarlo.hh"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <cmath>
const int num_threads = 2; // does nothing if DEBUG defined
// evaluates unfolded (Dx)^k power, where x is a vector, D is a
// Cholesky factor (lower triangular)
class MomentFunction : public VectorFunction
GeneralMatrix D;
int k;
MomentFunction(const GeneralMatrix &inD, int kk)
: VectorFunction(inD.numRows(), UFSTensor::calcMaxOffset(inD.numRows(), kk)),
D(inD), k(kk)
MomentFunction(const MomentFunction &func)
= default;
VectorFunction *
clone() const
return new MomentFunction(*this);
void eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out);
MomentFunction::eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out)
if (point.length() != indim() || out.length() != outdim())
printf("Wrong length of vectors in MomentFunction::eval\n");
Vector y(point);
D.multaVec(y, point);
URSingleTensor ypow(y, k);
out.add(1.0, ypow.getData());
class TensorPower : public VectorFunction
int k;
TensorPower(int nvar, int kk)
: VectorFunction(nvar, UFSTensor::calcMaxOffset(nvar, kk)), k(kk)
TensorPower(const TensorPower &func)
= default;
VectorFunction *
clone() const
return new TensorPower(*this);
void eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out);
TensorPower::eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out)
if (point.length() != indim() || out.length() != outdim())
printf("Wrong length of vectors in TensorPower::eval\n");
URSingleTensor ypow(point, k);
out.add(1.0, ypow.getData());
// evaluates (1+1/d)^d*(x_1*...*x_d)^(1/d), its integral over <0,1>^d
// is 1.0, and its variation grows exponetially
// d = dim
class Function1 : public VectorFunction
int dim;
Function1(int d)
: VectorFunction(d, 1), dim(d)
Function1(const Function1 &f)
: VectorFunction(f.indim(), f.outdim()), dim(f.dim)
VectorFunction *
clone() const
return new Function1(*this);
virtual void eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out);
Function1::eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out)
if (point.length() != dim || out.length() != 1)
printf("Wrong length of vectors in Function1::eval\n");
double r = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
r *= point[i];
r = pow(r, 1.0/dim);
r *= pow(1.0 + 1.0/dim, (double) dim);
out[0] = r;
// evaluates Function1 but with transformation x_i=0.5(y_i+1)
// this makes the new function integrate over <-1,1>^d to 1.0
class Function1Trans : public Function1
Function1Trans(int d)
: Function1(d)
Function1Trans(const Function1Trans &func)
= default;
VectorFunction *
clone() const
return new Function1Trans(*this);
virtual void eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out);
Function1Trans::eval(const Vector &point, const ParameterSignal &sig, Vector &out)
Vector p(point.length());
for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++)
p[i] = 0.5*(point[i]+1);
Function1::eval(p, sig, out);
out.mult(pow(0.5, indim()));
// WallTimer class. Constructor saves the wall time, destructor
// cancels the current time from the saved, and prints the message
// with time information
class WallTimer
char mes[100];
struct timeval start;
bool new_line;
WallTimer(const char *m, bool nl = true)
strcpy(mes, m); new_line = nl; gettimeofday(&start, nullptr);
struct timeval end;
gettimeofday(&end, nullptr);
printf("%s%8.4g", mes,
end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec + (end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec)*1.0e-6);
if (new_line)
/* declaration of TestRunnable class */
class TestRunnable
char name[100];
int dim; // dimension of the solved problem
int nvar; // number of variable of the solved problem
TestRunnable(const char *n, int d, int nv)
: dim(d), nvar(nv)
strncpy(name, n, 100);
bool test() const;
virtual bool run() const = 0;
const char *
getName() const
return name;
static bool smolyak_normal_moments(const GeneralMatrix &m, int imom, int level);
static bool product_normal_moments(const GeneralMatrix &m, int imom, int level);
static bool qmc_normal_moments(const GeneralMatrix &m, int imom, int level);
static bool smolyak_product_cube(const VectorFunction &func, const Vector &res,
double tol, int level);
static bool qmc_cube(const VectorFunction &func, double res, double tol, int level);
TestRunnable::test() const
printf("Running test <%s>\n", name);
bool passed;
WallTimer tim("Wall clock time ", false);
passed = run();
if (passed)
printf("............................ passed\n\n");
return passed;
printf("............................ FAILED\n\n");
return passed;
/* definition of TestRunnable static methods */
TestRunnable::smolyak_normal_moments(const GeneralMatrix &m, int imom, int level)
// first make m*m' and then Cholesky factor
GeneralMatrix mtr(m, "transpose");
GeneralMatrix msq(m, mtr);
// make vector function
int dim = m.numRows();
TensorPower tp(dim, imom);
GaussConverterFunction func(tp, msq);
// smolyak quadrature
Vector smol_out(UFSTensor::calcMaxOffset(dim, imom));
WallTimer tim("\tSmolyak quadrature time: ");
GaussHermite gs;
SmolyakQuadrature quad(dim, level, gs);
quad.integrate(func, level, num_threads, smol_out);
printf("\tNumber of Smolyak evaluations: %d\n", quad.numEvals(level));
// check against theoretical moments
UNormalMoments moments(imom, msq);
smol_out.add(-1.0, (moments.get(Symmetry(imom)))->getData());
printf("\tError: %16.12g\n", smol_out.getMax());
return smol_out.getMax() < 1.e-7;
TestRunnable::product_normal_moments(const GeneralMatrix &m, int imom, int level)
// first make m*m' and then Cholesky factor
GeneralMatrix mtr(m, "transpose");
GeneralMatrix msq(m, mtr);
// make vector function
int dim = m.numRows();
TensorPower tp(dim, imom);
GaussConverterFunction func(tp, msq);
// product quadrature
Vector prod_out(UFSTensor::calcMaxOffset(dim, imom));
WallTimer tim("\tProduct quadrature time: ");
GaussHermite gs;
ProductQuadrature quad(dim, gs);
quad.integrate(func, level, num_threads, prod_out);
printf("\tNumber of product evaluations: %d\n", quad.numEvals(level));
// check against theoretical moments
UNormalMoments moments(imom, msq);
prod_out.add(-1.0, (moments.get(Symmetry(imom)))->getData());
printf("\tError: %16.12g\n", prod_out.getMax());
return prod_out.getMax() < 1.e-7;
TestRunnable::qmc_normal_moments(const GeneralMatrix &m, int imom, int level)
// first make m*m' and then Cholesky factor
GeneralMatrix mtr(m, "transpose");
GeneralMatrix msq(m, mtr);
GeneralMatrix mchol(msq);
int rows = mchol.numRows();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < rows; j++)
mchol.get(i, j) = 0.0;
int info;
dpotrf("L", &rows, mchol.base(), &rows, &info);
// make vector function
MomentFunction func(mchol, imom);
// permutation schemes
WarnockPerScheme wps;
ReversePerScheme rps;
IdentityPerScheme ips;
PermutationScheme *scheme[] = {&wps, &rps, &ips};
const char *labs[] = {"Warnock", "Reverse", "Identity"};
// theoretical result
int dim = mchol.numRows();
UNormalMoments moments(imom, msq);
Vector res((const Vector &)((moments.get(Symmetry(imom)))->getData()));
// quasi monte carlo normal quadrature
double max_error = 0.0;
Vector qmc_out(UFSTensor::calcMaxOffset(dim, imom));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
char mes[100];
sprintf(mes, "\tQMC normal quadrature time %8s: ", labs[i]);
WallTimer tim(mes);
QMCarloNormalQuadrature quad(dim, level, *(scheme[i]));
quad.integrate(func, level, num_threads, qmc_out);
qmc_out.add(-1.0, res);
printf("\tError %8s: %16.12g\n", labs[i], qmc_out.getMax());
if (qmc_out.getMax() > max_error)
max_error = qmc_out.getMax();
return max_error < 1.e-7;
TestRunnable::smolyak_product_cube(const VectorFunction &func, const Vector &res,
double tol, int level)
if (res.length() != func.outdim())
fprintf(stderr, "Incompatible dimensions of check value and function.\n");
GaussLegendre glq;
Vector out(func.outdim());
double smol_error;
double prod_error;
WallTimer tim("\tSmolyak quadrature time: ");
SmolyakQuadrature quad(func.indim(), level, glq);
quad.integrate(func, level, num_threads, out);
out.add(-1.0, res);
smol_error = out.getMax();
printf("\tNumber of Smolyak evaluations: %d\n", quad.numEvals(level));
printf("\tError: %16.12g\n", smol_error);
WallTimer tim("\tProduct quadrature time: ");
ProductQuadrature quad(func.indim(), glq);
quad.integrate(func, level, num_threads, out);
out.add(-1.0, res);
prod_error = out.getMax();
printf("\tNumber of product evaluations: %d\n", quad.numEvals(level));
printf("\tError: %16.12g\n", prod_error);
return smol_error < tol && prod_error < tol;
TestRunnable::qmc_cube(const VectorFunction &func, double res, double tol, int level)
Vector r(1);
double error1;
WallTimer tim("\tQuasi-Monte Carlo (Warnock scrambling) time: ");
WarnockPerScheme wps;
QMCarloCubeQuadrature qmc(func.indim(), level, wps);
// qmc.savePoints("warnock.txt", level);
qmc.integrate(func, level, num_threads, r);
error1 = std::max(res - r[0], r[0] - res);
printf("\tQuasi-Monte Carlo (Warnock scrambling) error: %16.12g\n",
double error2;
WallTimer tim("\tQuasi-Monte Carlo (reverse scrambling) time: ");
ReversePerScheme rps;
QMCarloCubeQuadrature qmc(func.indim(), level, rps);
// qmc.savePoints("reverse.txt", level);
qmc.integrate(func, level, num_threads, r);
error2 = std::max(res - r[0], r[0] - res);
printf("\tQuasi-Monte Carlo (reverse scrambling) error: %16.12g\n",
double error3;
WallTimer tim("\tQuasi-Monte Carlo (no scrambling) time: ");
IdentityPerScheme ips;
QMCarloCubeQuadrature qmc(func.indim(), level, ips);
// qmc.savePoints("identity.txt", level);
qmc.integrate(func, level, num_threads, r);
error3 = std::max(res - r[0], r[0] - res);
printf("\tQuasi-Monte Carlo (no scrambling) error: %16.12g\n",
return error1 < tol && error2 < tol && error3 < tol;
/* definition of TestRunnable subclasses */
class SmolyakNormalMom1 : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("Smolyak normal moments (dim=2, level=4, order=4)", 4, 2)
run() const
GeneralMatrix m(2, 2);
m.zeros(); m.get(0, 0) = 1; m.get(1, 1) = 1;
return smolyak_normal_moments(m, 4, 4);
class SmolyakNormalMom2 : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("Smolyak normal moments (dim=3, level=8, order=8)", 8, 3)
run() const
GeneralMatrix m(3, 3);
m.get(0, 0) = 1; m.get(0, 2) = 0.5; m.get(1, 1) = 1;
m.get(1, 0) = 0.5; m.get(2, 2) = 2; m.get(2, 1) = 4;
return smolyak_normal_moments(m, 8, 8);
class ProductNormalMom1 : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("Product normal moments (dim=2, level=4, order=4)", 4, 2)
run() const
GeneralMatrix m(2, 2);
m.zeros(); m.get(0, 0) = 1; m.get(1, 1) = 1;
return product_normal_moments(m, 4, 4);
class ProductNormalMom2 : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("Product normal moments (dim=3, level=8, order=8)", 8, 3)
run() const
GeneralMatrix m(3, 3);
m.get(0, 0) = 1; m.get(0, 2) = 0.5; m.get(1, 1) = 1;
m.get(1, 0) = 0.5; m.get(2, 2) = 2; m.get(2, 1) = 4;
return product_normal_moments(m, 8, 8);
class QMCNormalMom1 : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("QMC normal moments (dim=2, level=1000, order=4)", 4, 2)
run() const
GeneralMatrix m(2, 2);
m.zeros(); m.get(0, 0) = 1; m.get(1, 1) = 1;
return qmc_normal_moments(m, 4, 1000);
class QMCNormalMom2 : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("QMC normal moments (dim=3, level=10000, order=8)", 8, 3)
run() const
GeneralMatrix m(3, 3);
m.get(0, 0) = 1; m.get(0, 2) = 0.5; m.get(1, 1) = 1;
m.get(1, 0) = 0.5; m.get(2, 2) = 2; m.get(2, 1) = 4;
return qmc_normal_moments(m, 8, 10000);
// note that here we pass 1,1 to tls since smolyak has its own PascalTriangle
class F1GaussLegendre : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("Function1 Gauss-Legendre (dim=6, level=13", 1, 1)
run() const
Function1Trans f1(6);
Vector res(1); res[0] = 1.0;
return smolyak_product_cube(f1, res, 1e-2, 13);
class F1QuasiMCarlo : public TestRunnable
: TestRunnable("Function1 Quasi-Monte Carlo (dim=6, level=1000000)", 1, 1)
run() const
Function1 f1(6);
return qmc_cube(f1, 1.0, 1.e-4, 1000000);
TestRunnable *all_tests[50];
// fill in vector of all tests
int num_tests = 0;
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmolyakNormalMom1();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmolyakNormalMom2();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new ProductNormalMom1();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new ProductNormalMom2();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new QMCNormalMom1();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new QMCNormalMom2();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new F1GaussLegendre();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new F1QuasiMCarlo();
// find maximum dimension and maximum nvar
int dmax = 0;
int nvmax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++)
if (dmax < all_tests[i]->dim)
dmax = all_tests[i]->dim;
if (nvmax < all_tests[i]->nvar)
nvmax = all_tests[i]->nvar;
tls.init(dmax, nvmax); // initialize library
THREAD_GROUP::max_parallel_threads = num_threads;
// launch the tests
int success = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++)
if (all_tests[i]->test())
catch (const TLException &e)
printf("Caugth TL exception in <%s>:\n", all_tests[i]->getName());
catch (SylvException &e)
printf("Caught Sylv exception in <%s>:\n", all_tests[i]->getName());
printf("There were %d tests that failed out of %d tests run.\n",
num_tests - success, num_tests);
// destroy
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++)
delete all_tests[i];
return 0;