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function global_initialization()
%function global_initialization()
% initializes global variables and options for DYNARE
% none
% none
% none
2011-02-04 17:27:33 +01:00
% Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2011-12-11 15:35:26 +01:00
global oo_ M_ options_ estim_params_ bayestopt_ estimation_info
estim_params_ = [];
2011-10-31 18:25:15 +01:00
bayestopt_ = [];
options_.console_mode = 0;
options_.verbosity = 1;
options_.terminal_condition = 0;
options_.rplottype = 0;
options_.smpl = 0;
options_.dynatol.f = 1e-5;
options_.dynatol.x = 1e-5;
options_.maxit_ = 10;
options_.slowc = 1;
options_.timing = 0;
options_.gstep = 1e-2;
options_.scalv = 1;
options_.debug = 0;
options_.initval_file = 0;
options_.Schur_vec_tol = 1e-11; % used to find nonstationary variables in Schur decomposition of the
% transition matrix
options_.qz_criterium = [];
options_.lyapunov_complex_threshold = 1e-15;
options_.solve_tolf = eps^(1/3);
options_.solve_tolx = eps^(2/3);
options_.solve_maxit = 500;
options_.mode_check_neighbourhood_size = 0.5;
% Default number of threads for parallelized mex files.
options_.threads.kronecker.A_times_B_kronecker_C = 1;
options_.threads.kronecker.sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C = 1;
% steady state
options_.jacobian_flag = 1;
% steady state file
if exist([M_.fname '_steadystate2.m'],'file')
options_.steadystate_flag = 2;
elseif exist([M_.fname '_steadystate.m'],'file')
options_.steadystate_flag = 1;
options_.steadystate_flag = 0;
options_.steadystate_partial = [];
options_.steadystate.nocheck = 0;
% subset of the estimated deep parameters
options_.ParamSubSet = 'None';
% bvar-dsge
options_.dsge_var = 0;
options_.dsge_varlag = 4;
% Optimization algorithm [6] gmhmaxlik
options_.Opt6Iter = 2;
options_.Opt6Numb = 5000;
% Graphics
options_.graphics.nrows = 3;
options_.graphics.ncols = 3;
options_.graphics.line_types = {'b-'};
options_.graphics.line_width = 1;
options_.nograph = 0;
options_.XTick = [];
options_.XTickLabel = [];
% IRFs & other stoch_simul output
options_.irf = 40;
options_.relative_irf = 0;
options_.ar = 5;
options_.hp_filter = 0;
options_.hp_ngrid = 512;
options_.nomoments = 0;
options_.nocorr = 0;
options_.periods = 0;
options_.noprint = 0;
options_.SpectralDensity = 0;
% Extended path options
% Set debug flag
ep.debug = 0;
% Set memory flag
ep.memory = 0;
% Set verbose mode
ep.verbosity = 0;
% Set bytecode flag
ep.use_bytecode = 0;
% Initialization of the perfect foresight equilibrium paths
% * init=0, previous solution is used.
% * init=1, a path generated with the first order reduced form is used.
% * init=2, mix of cases 0 and 1.
ep.init = 0;
% Maximum number of iterations for the deterministic solver.
ep.maxit = 500;
% Number of periods for the perfect foresight model.
ep.periods = 200;
% Default step for increasing the number of periods if needed
ep.step = 50;
% Set check_stability flag
ep.check_stability = 1;
% Define last periods used to test if the solution is stable with respect to an increase in the number of periods.
ep.lp = 5;
% Define first periods used to test if the solution is stable with respect to an increase in the number of periods.
ep.fp = 2;
% Define the distribution for the structural innovations.
ep.innovation_distribution = 'gaussian';
% Set flag for the seed
ep.set_dynare_seed_to_default = 1;
% Set algorithm for the perfect foresight solver
ep.stack_solve_algo = 4;
% Stochastic extended path related options.
ep.stochastic.status = 0;
ep.stochastic.method = 'tensor';
ep.stochastic.ortpol = 'hermite';
ep.stochastic.scramble = 0;
ep.stochastic.order = 1;
ep.stochastic.nodes = 5;
ep.stochastic.pruned.status = 0;
ep.stochastic.pruned.relative = 1e-5;
ep.stochastic.pruned.level = 1e-5;
% Copy ep structure in options_ global structure
options_.ep = ep;
% Particle filter
% Default is that we do not use the non linear kalman filter
particle.status = 0;
% How do we initialize the states?
particle.initialization = 1;
particle.initial_state_prior_std = .0001;
% Set the default order of approximation of the model (perturbation).
particle.perturbation = 2;
% Set the default number of particles.
particle.number_of_particles = 500;
% Set the default approximation order (Smolyak)
particle.smolyak_accuracy = 3;
% By default we don't use pruning
particle.pruning = 0;
% Set default algorithm
particle.algorithm = 'sequential_importance_particle_filter';
% Set the Gaussian approximation method
particle.approximation_method = 'unscented';
% Set unscented parameters alpha, beta and kappa for gaussian approximation
particle.unscented.alpha = 1 ;
particle.unscented.beta = 2 ;
particle.unscented.kappa = 1 ;
% Configuration of resampling in case of particles
particle.resampling.status = 'systematic' ;
% Choice of the resampling method
particle.resampling.method1 = 'traditional' ;
particle.resampling.method2 = 'kitagawa';
% Configuration of the mixture filters
particle.mixture_method = 'particles' ;
% Size of the different mixtures
particle.mixture_state_variables = 5 ;
particle.mixture_structural_shocks = 1 ;
particle.mixture_measurement_shocks = 1 ;
% Copy ep structure in options_ global structure
options_.particle = particle;
% TeX output
options_.TeX = 0;
% Exel
options_.xls_sheet = '';
options_.xls_range = '';
% Prior draws
options_.forecast = 0;
% Model
options_.linear = 0;
% Deterministic simulation
options_.stack_solve_algo = 0;
options_.markowitz = 0.5;
options_.minimal_solving_periods = 1;
% Solution
options_.order = 2;
options_.pruning = 0;
options_.solve_algo = 2;
options_.linear = 0;
options_.replic = 50;
options_.drop = 100;
% if mjdgges.dll (or .mexw32 or ....) doesn't exist, matlab/qz is added to the path.
% There exists now qz/mjdgges.m that contains the calls to the old Sims code
% Hence, if mjdgges.m is visible exist(...)==2,
% this means that the DLL isn't avaiable and use_qzdiv is set to 1
2011-05-25 15:44:06 +02:00
if exist('mjdgges','file')==2
options_.use_qzdiv = 1;
options_.use_qzdiv = 0;
options_.aim_solver = 0; % i.e. by default do not use G.Anderson's AIM solver, use mjdgges instead
options_.k_order_solver=0; % by default do not use k_order_perturbation but mjdgges
options_.partial_information = 0;
options_.ACES_solver = 0;
options_.conditional_variance_decomposition = [];
% Ramsey policy
options_.ramsey_policy = 0;
options_.timeless = 0;
% estimation
2011-12-11 15:35:26 +01:00
estimation_info.prior = struct('name', {}, 'shape', {}, 'mean', {}, ...
'mode', {}, 'stdev', {}, 'date1', {}, ...
'date2', {}, 'shift', {}, 'variance', {});
estimation_info.structural_innovation.prior = struct('name', {}, 'shape', {}, 'mean', {}, ...
'mode', {}, 'stdev', {}, 'date1', {}, ...
'date2', {}, 'shift', {}, 'variance', {});
estimation_info.structural_innovation_corr.prior = struct('name', {}, 'shape', {}, 'mean', {}, ...
'mode', {}, 'stdev', {}, 'date1', {}, ...
'date2', {}, 'shift', {}, 'variance', {});
estimation_info.measurement_error.prior = struct('name', {}, 'shape', {}, 'mean', {}, ...
'mode', {}, 'stdev', {}, 'date1', {}, ...
'date2', {}, 'shift', {}, 'variance', {});
estimation_info.measurement_error_corr.prior = struct('name', {}, 'shape', {}, 'mean', {}, ...
'mode', {}, 'stdev', {}, 'date1', {}, ...
'date2', {}, 'shift', {}, 'variance', {});
estimation_info.measurement_error.prior_index = {};
estimation_info.structural_innovation.prior_index = {};
estimation_info.measurement_error_corr.prior_index = {};
estimation_info.structural_innovation_corr.prior_index = {};
estimation_info.measurement_error.options_index = {};
estimation_info.structural_innovation.options_index = {};
estimation_info.measurement_error_corr.options_index = {};
estimation_info.structural_innovation_corr.options_index = {};
2011-11-29 17:14:26 +01:00
options_.initial_period = dynDate(1);
2011-12-06 15:42:57 +01:00
options_.dataset.firstobs = options_.initial_period;
options_.dataset.lastobs = NaN;
options_.dataset.nobs = NaN;
options_.dataset.xls_sheet = NaN;
options_.dataset.xls_range = NaN;
options_.Harvey_scale_factor = 10;
options_.MaxNumberOfBytes = 1e6;
options_.MaximumNumberOfMegaBytes = 111;
options_.PosteriorSampleSize = 1000;
options_.analytic_derivation = 0;
options_.bayesian_irf = 0;
options_.bayesian_th_moments = 0;
options_.diffuse_filter = 0;
options_.filter_step_ahead = [];
options_.filtered_vars = 0;
options_.first_obs = 1;
options_.kalman_algo = 0;
options_.kalman_tol = 1e-10;
options_.riccati_tol = 1e-6;
options_.lik_algo = 1;
options_.lik_init = 1;
options_.load_mh_file = 0;
options_.logdata = 0;
options_.loglinear = 0;
options_.mh_conf_sig = 0.90;
options_.prior_interval = 0.90;
options_.mh_drop = 0.5;
options_.mh_jscale = 0.2;
options_.mh_init_scale = 2*options_.mh_jscale;
options_.mh_mode = 1;
options_.mh_nblck = 2;
options_.mh_recover = 0;
options_.mh_replic = 20000;
options_.mode_check = 0;
options_.mode_check_nolik = 0;
options_.mode_compute = 4;
options_.mode_file = '';
options_.moments_varendo = 0;
options_.nk = 1;
options_.noconstant = 0;
options_.nodiagnostic = 0;
options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation = 0;
options_.prefilter = 0;
options_.presample = 0;
options_.prior_trunc = 1e-10;
options_.smoother = 0;
options_.student_degrees_of_freedom = 3;
options_.sub_draws = [];
options_.use_mh_covariance_matrix = 0;
options_.gradient_method = 2;
options_.gradient_epsilon = 1e-6;
options_.posterior_sampling_method = 'random_walk_metropolis_hastings';
options_.proposal_distribution = 'rand_multivariate_normal';
options_.student_degrees_of_freedom = 3;
options_.trace_plot_ma = 200;
options_.mh_autocorrelation_function_size = 30;
options_.plot_priors = 1;
options_.cova_compute = 1;
options_.parallel = 0;
2010-02-12 17:38:47 +01:00
options_.parallel_info.leaveSlaveOpen = 0;
options_.parallel_info.RemoteTmpFolder = '';
options_.number_of_grid_points_for_kde = 2^9;
quarter = 1;
years = [1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50];
options_.conditional_variance_decomposition_dates = zeros(1,length(years));
for i=1:length(years)
options_.conditional_variance_decomposition_dates(i) = ...
options_.filter_covariance = 0;
options_.filter_decomposition = 0;
options_.selected_variables_only = 0;
options_.initialize_estimated_parameters_with_the_prior_mode = 0;
options_.estimation_dll = 0;
% Misc
options_.conf_sig = 0.6;
oo_.exo_simul = [];
oo_.endo_simul = [];
oo_.dr = [];
oo_.exo_steady_state = [];
oo_.exo_det_steady_state = [];
oo_.exo_det_simul = [];
M_.params = [];
M_.endo_histval = [];
M_.bvar = [];
% homotopy
options_.homotopy_mode = 0;
options_.homotopy_steps = 1;
% Simplex optimization routine (variation on Nelder Mead algorithm).
options_.simplex = [];
% CMAES optimization routine.
options_.cmaes = cmaes;
% prior analysis
options_.prior_mc = 20000;
options_.prior_analysis_endo_var_list = [];
% did model undergo block decomposition + minimum feedback set computation ?
options_.block = 0;
% model evaluated using a compiled MEX
options_.use_dll = 0;
% model evaluated using bytecode.dll
options_.bytecode = 0;
2010-04-26 15:04:42 +02:00
% dates for historical time series
options_.initial_date.freq = 1;
options_.initial_date.period = 1;
options_.initial_date.subperiod = 0;
% discretionary policy
options_.discretionary_policy = 0;
% Shock decomposition
options_.parameter_set = [];
% Nonlinearfilters
options_.nonlinear_filter = [];
2011-05-31 10:39:41 +02:00
% SBVAR & MS SBVAR initializations:
options_.ms.vlistlog = [];
options_.ms.restriction_fname = 0;
options_.ms.cross_restrictions = 0;
options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form = 0;
options_.ms.real_pseudo_forecast = 0;
options_.ms.dummy_obs = 0;
options_.ms.ncsk = 0;
options_.ms.indxgforhat = 1;
options_.ms.indxgimfhat = 1;
options_.ms.indxestima = 1;
options_.ms.indxgdls = 1;
options_.ms.cms =0;
options_.ms.ncms = 0;
options_.ms.eq_cms = 1;
options_.ms.banact = 1;
options_.ms.log_var = [];
options_.ms.Qi = [];
options_.ms.Ri = [];
options_.ms.lower_cholesky = 0;
options_.ms.upper_cholesky = 0;
options_.ms.constants_exclusion = 0;
2011-05-31 10:39:41 +02:00
%options_.ms.nstates = 2;
%options_.ms.indxscalesstates = 0;
%options_.ms.q_diag = 0.85;
%options_.ms.flat_prior = 0;
%options_.ms.nstd = 6;
%options_.ms.ninv = 1000;
%options_.ms.indxparr = 1;
%options_.ms.indxovr = 0;
%options_.ms.aband = 1;
%options_.ms.indxap = 1;
%options_.ms.apband = 1;
%options_.ms.indximf = 1;
%options_.ms.imfband = 1;
%options_.ms.indxfore = 0;
%options_.ms.foreband = 0;
%options_.ms.cnum = 0;
% MS SBVAR (and some SBVAR)
options_ = initialize_ms_sbvar_options(M_, options_);
% saved graph formats
options_.graph_save_formats.eps = 1;
options_.graph_save_formats.pdf = 0;
options_.graph_save_formats.fig = 0;
% initialize persistent variables in priordens()
% Set dynare random generator and seed.
% Create directories
[junk,junk]=mkdir([M_.fname '/Output']);