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<!-- $Header: /var/lib/cvs/dynare_cpp/sylv/change_log.html,v 2004/06/04 13:00:05 kamenik Exp $ -->
<!-- Tag $Name: $ -->
Sylvester Solver Change Log
<TD BGCOLOR="#d0d0d0" WIDTH="85"> Tag </TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#d0d0d0" WIDTH="80"> Date </TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#d0d0d0" WIDTH="600"> Description/Changes</TD>
<TD>Initial version solving triangular system put to repository</TD>
<TD>Implemented solution of general case.</TD>
<TD>Implemented a memory pool (Paris).</TD>
<TD>Implemented MEX interface to the routine (Paris).</TD>
<TD>Implemented QuasiTriangularZero (Paris) (not fully used yet).</TD>
<TD>Version sent to Michel.</TD>
<TD>Inheritance streamlined, QuasiTriangular inherits from GeneralMatrix.</TD>
<TD>Implemented block diagonalization algorithm.</TD>
<TD>Solution routines rewritten so that the output rewrites input,
considerable memory improvement.</TD>
<TD>MEX interface now links with LAPACK library from Matlab.</TD>
<TD>Added a hack to MEX library loading in order to avoid Matlab crash in Wins.</TD>
<TD>Version sent to Michel.</TD>
<TD>KronUtils now rewrite input by output using less memory.</TD>
<TD>Added iterative solution algorithm (doubling).</TD>
<TD>Introduced abstraction for set of parameters (SylvParams).</TD>
<TD>Algorithm enabled to solve problems with singular C.</TD>
<TD>Implemented a class chooser chossing between QuasiTriangularZero,
and QuasiTriangular (padded with zero) depending on size of the
problem. Full use of QuasiTriangularZero.</TD>
<TD>Reimplemented QuasiTriangular::solve, offdiagonal elements are
eleiminated by gauss with partial pivoting, not by transformation of
complex eigenvalues. More stable for ill conditioned eigenvalues.</TD>
<TD>Reimplemented calculation of eliminating vectors, much more
numerically stable now.</TD>
<TD>Implemented algorithm for ordering of eigenvalues (not used now,
no numerical improvements).</TD>
<TD>Version sent to Michel.</TD>
<TD>GeneralMatrix separated for use outside, in sylv module we use
its subclass SylvMatrix. Implemented ConstGeneralMatrix (useful outside).
<TD>Version, which was moved to pythie.cepremap.cnrs.fr repository.</TD>