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! Encapsulates a MATLAB function from ℝⁿ to ℝⁿ
! It must take as 1st argument the point where it is evaluated,
! and return 1 or 2 arguments: value and, optionally, the Jacobian
! The input is copied on entry, the output arguments are copied on exit.
! It may also take extra arguments, which are stored in the module (hence the
! latter is conceptually equivalent to a closure).
! Additionally, if x_indices and f_indices are associated, then the matlab_fcn
! procedure only exposes a restricted version of the MATLAB procedure, limited
! to the specified indices specified for x and f. In that case, x_all needs to
! be set in order to give the input values for the indices that are not passed
! to matlab_fcn.
! Copyright © 2019-2022 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "defines.F08"
module matlab_fcn_closure
use iso_c_binding
use ieee_arithmetic
use matlab_mex
implicit none
public :: func, extra_args, f_indices, x_indices, x_all, matlab_fcn
type(c_ptr), pointer :: func => null()
type(c_ptr), dimension(:), pointer :: extra_args => null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: f_indices => null(), x_indices => null()
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer :: x_all => null()
subroutine matlab_fcn(x, fvec, fjac)
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
real(real64), dimension(size(x)), intent(out) :: fvec
real(real64), dimension(size(x), size(x)), intent(out), optional :: fjac
type(c_ptr), dimension(2) :: call_lhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(size(extra_args)+2) :: call_rhs
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer :: x_mat ! Needed to avoid gfortran ICE…
integer(c_int) :: nlhs
integer(mwSize) :: n_all
call_rhs(1) = func
if (associated(x_all)) then
n_all = size(x_all)
n_all = size(x)
end if
call_rhs(2) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n_all, 1_mwSize, mxREAL)
x_mat => mxGetPr(call_rhs(2))
if (associated(x_indices) .and. associated(x_all)) then
x_mat = x_all
x_mat(x_indices) = x
x_mat = x
end if
call_rhs(3:) = extra_args
if (present(fjac)) then
nlhs = 2
nlhs = 1
end if
! We use "feval", because its the only way of evaluating a function handle through mexCallMATLAB
if (mexCallMATLAB(nlhs, call_lhs, int(size(call_rhs), c_int), call_rhs, "feval") /= 0) &
call mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling function to be solved")
call mxDestroyArray(call_rhs(2))
! Handle residuals
if (.not. mxIsDouble(call_lhs(1)) .or. mxIsSparse(call_lhs(1)) &
.or. mxGetNumberOfElements(call_lhs(1)) /= n_all) &
call mexErrMsgTxt("First output argument of the function must be a dense double float&
& array of same length as first input argument")
if (.not. mxIsComplex(call_lhs(1))) then ! Real case
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: fvec_all
fvec_all => mxGetPr(call_lhs(1))
if (associated(f_indices)) then
fvec = fvec_all(f_indices)
fvec = fvec_all
end if
end block
else ! Complex case. Transform numbers with nonzero imaginary part into NaNs
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: fvec_all_with_nans
complex(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: fvec_all
fvec_all => mxGetComplexDoubles(call_lhs(1))
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: fvec_all_real, fvec_all_imag
fvec_all_real => mxGetPr(call_lhs(1))
fvec_all_imag => mxGetPi(call_lhs(1))
where (fvec_all%im == 0._real64)
fvec_all_with_nans = fvec_all%re
where (fvec_all_imag == 0._real64)
fvec_all_with_nans = fvec_all_real
fvec_all_with_nans = ieee_value(0._real64, ieee_quiet_nan)
end where
if (associated(f_indices)) then
fvec = fvec_all_with_nans(f_indices)
fvec = fvec_all_with_nans
end if
end block
end if
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(1))
! Handle Jacobian
if (present(fjac)) then
if (.not. mxIsDouble(call_lhs(2)) .or. mxIsSparse(call_lhs(2)) &
.or. mxGetM(call_lhs(2)) /= n_all .or. mxGetN(call_lhs(2)) /= n_all) &
call mexErrMsgTxt("Second output argument of the function must be a dense double float&
& square matrix whose dimension matches the length of the first input argument")
if (.not. mxIsComplex(call_lhs(2))) then ! Real case
real(real64), dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous :: fjac_all
fjac_all(1:n_all,1:n_all) => mxGetPr(call_lhs(2))
if (associated(x_indices) .and. associated(f_indices)) then
fjac = fjac_all(f_indices, x_indices)
fjac = fjac_all
end if
end block
else ! Complex case. Transform numbers with nonzero imaginary part into NaNs
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fjac_all_with_nans
complex(real64), dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous :: fjac_all
fjac_all(1:n_all,1:n_all) => mxGetComplexDoubles(call_lhs(2))
real(real64), dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous :: fjac_all_real, fjac_all_imag
fjac_all_real(1:n_all,1:n_all) => mxGetPr(call_lhs(2))
fjac_all_imag(1:n_all,1:n_all) => mxGetPi(call_lhs(2))
allocate(fjac_all_with_nans(n_all, n_all))
where (fjac_all%im == 0._real64)
fjac_all_with_nans = fjac_all%re
where (fjac_all_imag == 0._real64)
fjac_all_with_nans = fjac_all_real
fjac_all_with_nans = ieee_value(0._real64, ieee_quiet_nan)
end where
if (associated(f_indices)) then
fjac = fjac_all_with_nans(f_indices, x_indices)
fjac = fjac_all_with_nans
end if
end block
end if
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(2))
end if
end subroutine matlab_fcn
end module matlab_fcn_closure