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function [x,f,abscissa,dens,binf,bsup] = draw_prior_density(indx);
% function [x,f,abscissa,dens,binf,bsup] = draw_prior_density(indx)
% plots prior density
% indx: parameter number
% x: subset of 'abscissa' such as the density is less than 10
% f: subset of 'dens' such as the density is less than 10
% abscissa: abscissa
% dens: density
% binf: lower bound of the truncated prior
% bsup: upper bound of the truncated prior
% none
% part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2004-2008)
% Gnu Public License.
global bayestopt_
pmean = bayestopt_.pmean;
pshape = bayestopt_.pshape;
p1 = bayestopt_.p1;
p2 = bayestopt_.p2;
p3 = bayestopt_.p3;
p4 = bayestopt_.p4;
truncprior = 10^(-3);
if pshape(indx) == 1 %/* BETA Prior */
density = inline('((bb-x).^(b-1)).*(x-aa).^(a-1)./(beta(a,b)*(bb-aa)^(a+b-1))','x','a','b','aa','bb');
mu = (p1(indx)-p3(indx))/(p4(indx)-p3(indx));
stdd = p2(indx)/(p4(indx)-p3(indx));
a = (1-mu)*mu^2/stdd^2 - mu;
b = a*(1/mu-1);
aa = p3(indx);
bb = p4(indx);
infbound = qbeta(truncprior,a,b)*(bb-aa)+aa;
supbound = qbeta(1-truncprior,a,b)*(bb-aa)+aa;
stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/200;
abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound;
dens = density(abscissa,a,b,aa,bb);
elseif pshape(indx) == 2 %/* GAMMA PRIOR */
mu = p1(indx)-p3(indx);
b = p2(indx)^2/mu;
a = mu/b;
infbound = mj_qgamma(truncprior,a)*b;
supbound = mj_qgamma(1-truncprior,a)*b;
stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/200;
abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound;
dens = exp(lpdfgam(abscissa,a,b));
abscissa = abscissa + p3(indx);
elseif pshape(indx) == 3 %/* GAUSSIAN PRIOR */
density = inline('inv(sqrt(2*pi)*b)*exp(-0.5*((x-a)/b).^2)','x','a','b');
a = p1(indx);
b = p2(indx);
infbound = qnorm(truncprior,a,b);
supbound = qnorm(1-truncprior,a,b);
stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/200;
abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound;
dens = density(abscissa,a,b);
elseif pshape(indx) == 4 %/* INVGAMMA PRIOR type 1 */
density = inline('2*inv(gamma(nu/2))*(x.^(-nu-1))*((s/2)^(nu/2)).*exp(-s./(2*x.^2))','x','s','nu');
nu = p2(indx);
s = p1(indx);
a = nu/2;
b = 2/s;
infbound = 1/sqrt(mj_qgamma(1-10*truncprior,a)*b);
supbound = 1/sqrt(mj_qgamma(10*truncprior,a)*b);
stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/200;
abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound;
dens = density(abscissa,s,nu);
elseif pshape(indx) == 5 %/* UNIFORM PRIOR */
density = inline('(x.^0)/(b-a)','x','a','b');
a = p1(indx);
b = p2(indx);
infbound = a;
supbound = b;
stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/200;
abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound;
dens = density(abscissa,a,b);
elseif pshape(indx) == 6 %/* INVGAMMA PRIOR type 2 */
density = inline('inv(gamma(nu/2))*(x.^(-.5(nu+2)))*((s/2)^(nu/2)).*exp(-s./(2*x))','x','s','nu');
nu = p2(indx);
s = p1(indx);
a = nu/2;
b = 2/s;
infbound = 1/(qgamma(1-truncprior,a)*b);
supbound = 1/(qgamma(truncprior,a)*b);
stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/200;
abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound;
dens = density(abscissa,s,nu);
k = [1:length(dens)];
if pshape(indx) ~= 5
[junk,k1] = max(dens);
if k1 == 1 | k1 == length(dens)
k = find(dens < 10);
binf = abscissa(k(1));
bsup = abscissa(k(length(k)));
x = abscissa(k);
f = dens(k);