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% [a,ia,js] = SPBuild_a(h,qcols,neq)
% Build the companion matrix, deleting inessential lags.
% Solve for x_{t+nlead} in terms of x_{t+nlag},...,x_{t+nlead-1}.
% Original author: Gary Anderson
% Original file downloaded from:
% http://www.federalreserve.gov/Pubs/oss/oss4/code.html
% Adapted for Dynare by Dynare Team.
% This code in the public domain and may be used freely.
% However the authors would appreciate acknowledgement of the source by
% citation of any of the following papers:
% Anderson, G. and Moore, G.
% "A Linear Algebraic Procedure for Solving Linear Perfect Foresight
% Models."
% Economics Letters, 17, 1985.
% Anderson, G.
% "Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models: A Horse Race"
% Computational Economics, 2008, vol. 31, issue 2, pages 95-113
% Anderson, G.
% "A Reliable and Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Imposing the
% Saddle Point Property in Dynamic Models"
% Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Forthcoming
function [a,ia,js] = SPBuild_a(h,qcols,neq)
left = 1:qcols;
right = qcols+1:qcols+neq;
hs(:,left) = -hs(:,right)\hs(:,left);
% Build the big transition matrix.
a = zeros(qcols,qcols);
if(qcols > neq)
eyerows = 1:qcols-neq;
eyecols = neq+1:qcols;
a(eyerows,eyecols) = eye(qcols-neq);
hrows = qcols-neq+1:qcols;
a(hrows,:) = hs(:,left);
% Delete inessential lags and build index array js. js indexes the
% columns in the big transition matrix that correspond to the
% essential lags in the model. They are the columns of q that will
% get the unstable left eigenvectors.
js = 1:qcols;
zerocols = sum(abs(a)) == 0;
while( any(zerocols) )
a(:,zerocols) = [];
a(zerocols,:) = [];
js(zerocols) = [];
zerocols = sum(abs(a)) == 0;
ia = length(js);