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function print_info(info,noprint)
% Prints error messages
% info [double] vector returned by resol.m
% noprint [integer] equal to 0 if the error message has to be printed.
% none
% none
2011-02-04 17:27:33 +01:00
% Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if ~noprint
switch info(1)
case 1
error(['The model doesn''t determine the current variables' ...
' uniquely'])
case 2
2011-08-29 18:03:26 +02:00
error(['The generalized Schur (QZ) decomposition failed. ' ...
'For more information, see the documentation for Lapack function dgges: info=' ...
int2str(info(2)) ', n=' int2str(info(3))])
case 3
error(['Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable' ...
' equilibrium'])
case 4
error(['Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied:' ...
' indeterminacy'])
case 5
error(['Blanchard Kahn conditions are not satisfied:' ...
' indeterminacy due to rank failure'])
case 6
error(['The Jacobian matrix evaluated at the steady state contains elements ' ...
2011-08-19 17:20:40 +02:00
'that are not real or are infinite'])
case 7
error(['One of the eigenvalues is is close to 0/0 (the absolute ' ...
'value of numerator and denominator is smaller than 1e-6).'])
case 19
error('The steadystate file did not compute the steady state (inconsistent deep parameters).')
case 20
error(['Impossible to find the steady state. Either the model' ...
' doesn''t have a unique steady state of the guess values' ...
' are too far from the solution'])
case 21
error('The steady state is complex.')
case 22
error('The steady state contains NaN or Inf.')
case 23
error('Some updated params are complex.')
case 24
error('Some updated params contain NaN or Inf.')
case 30
error('Variance can''t be computed')
case 41
error('one (many) parameter(s) do(es) not satisfy the lower bound');
case 42
error('one (many) parameter(s) do(es) not satisfy the upper bound');
2010-10-14 12:03:36 +02:00
case 43
error('Covariance matrix of shocks is not positive definite')
case 44 %DsgeLikelihood_hh / DsgeLikelihood
case 51
error('You are estimating a DSGE-VAR model, but the value of the dsge prior weight is too low!')
case 52 %DsgeVarLikelihood
case 61 %Discretionary policy
error(['Discretionary policy: maximum number of iterations has ' ...
'been reached. Procedure failed. ']);
case 62
error(['Discretionary policy: some eigenvalues greater than ' ...
'options_.qz_criterium. Model potentially unstable.']);
case 63
error(['Discretionary policy: NaN elements are present in the ' ...
'solution. Procedure failed.']);
2011-02-04 17:17:48 +01:00
% Aim Code Conversions by convertAimCodeToInfo.m
case 102
error('Aim: roots not correctly computed by real_schur.');
case 103
error('Aim: too many big roots.');
case 135
error('Aim: too many big roots, and q(:,right) is singular.');
case 104
error('Aim: too few big roots.');
case 145
error('Aim: too few big roots, and q(:,right) is singular.');
case 105
error('Aim: q(:,right) is singular.');
case 161
error('Aim: too many exact shiftrights.');
case 162
error('Aim: too many numeric shiftrights.');
error('This case shouldn''t happen. Contact the authors of Dynare')
2011-08-29 18:03:26 +02:00