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2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
function ms_mardd(options_)
% Applies to both linear and exclusion restrictions.
% (1) Marginal likelihood function p(Y) for constant structural VAR models, using Chib (1995)'s ``Marginal Likelihood from the Gibbs Output'' in JASA.
% (2) Conditional likelihood function f(Y|A0, A+) on the ML estimate for constant exclusion-identified models.
% See Forecast (II) pp.67-80.
% Tao Zha, September 1999. Quick revisions, May 2003. Final revision, September 2004.
% Copyright © 2011-2017 Dynare Team
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
msstart2 % start the program in which everyhting is initialized through msstart2.m
if ~options_.ms.indxestima
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
warning(' ')
disp('You must set IxEstima=1 in msstart to run this program')
disp('Press ctrl-c to abort now')
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
A0xhat = zeros(size(A0hat));
Apxhat = zeros(size(Aphat));
if (0)
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
%Robustness check to see if the same result is obtained with the purterbation of the parameters.
for k=1:nvar
bk = Uiconst{k}'*A0hat(:,k);
gk = Viconst{k}'*Aphat(:,k);
A0xhat(:,k) = Uiconst{k}*(bk + 5.2*randn(size(bk))); % Perturbing the posterior estimate.
Apxhat(:,k) = Viconst{k}*(gk + 5.2*randn(size(gk))); % Perturbing the posterior estimate.
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
%At the posterior estimate.
A0xhat = A0hat; % ML estimate of A0
Apxhat = Aphat; % ML estimate of A+
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
%--- Rename variables.
YatYa = yty;
XatYa = xty;
ytx = xty';
YatXa = ytx;
XatXa = xtx;
%--------- The log value of p(A0,A+) at some point such as the peak ----------
vlog_a0p = 0;
Yexpt=0; % exponential term for Y in p(Y|A0,A+) at some point such as the peak
Apexpt=0.0; % 0.0 because we have chosen posterior estimate of A+ as A+*. Exponential term for A+ conditional on A0 and Y
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
%======= Computing the log prior pdf of a0a+ and the exponential term for Y in p(Y|A0,A+).
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
for k=1:nvar
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
a0k = A0xhat(:,k); % meaningful parameters in the kth equation.
apk = Apxhat(:,k); % meaningful parameters in the kth equation.
%--- Prior settings.
S0bar = H0invtld{k}; %See Claim 2 on p.69b.
Spbar = Hpinvtld{k};
bk = Uiconst{k}'*a0k; % free parameters in the kth equation.
gk = Viconst{k}'*apk; % free parameters in the kth equation.
gbark = Ptld{k}*bk; % bar: prior
%--- The exponential term for Y in p(Y|A0,A+)
Yexpt = Yexpt - 0.5*(a0k'*YatYa*a0k - 2*apk'*XatYa*a0k + apk'*XatXa*apk);
%--- The log prior pdf.
vlog_a0p = vlog_a0p - 0.5*(size(Uiconst{k},2)+size(Viconst{k},2))*log(2*pi) + 0.5*log(abs(det(S0bar))) + ...
0.5*log(abs(det(Spbar))) - 0.5*(bk'*S0bar*bk+(gk-gbark)'*Spbar*(gk-gbark));
%--- For p(A+|Y,a0) only.
tmpd = gk - Pmat{k}*bk;
Apexpt = Apexpt - 0.5*tmpd'*(Hpinv{k}*tmpd);
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
%--------- The log value of p(Y|A0,A+) at some point such as the peak. ----------
%--------- Note that logMarLHres is the same as vlog_Y_a, just to double check. ----------
vlog_Y_a = -0.5*nvar*fss*log(2*pi) + fss*log(abs(det(A0xhat))) + Yexpt
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
% a: given a0 and a+
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
logMarLHres = 0; % Initialize log of the marginal likelihood (restricted or constant parameters).
for ki=1:fss %ndobs+1:fss % Forward recursion to get the marginal likelihood. See F on p.19 and pp. 48-49.
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
%---- Restricted log marginal likelihood function (constant parameters).
[A0l,A0u] = lu(A0xhat);
ada = sum(log(abs(diag(A0u)))); % log|A0|
termexp = y(ki,:)*A0xhat - phi(ki,:)*Apxhat; % 1-by-nvar
logMarLHres = logMarLHres - (0.5*nvar)*log(2*pi) + ada - 0.5*termexp*termexp'; % log value
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
%--------- The log value of p(A+|Y,A0) at some point such as the peak ----------
totparsp = 0.0;
tmpd = 0.0;
for k=1:nvar
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
totparsp = totparsp + size(Viconst{k},2);
tmpd = tmpd + 0.5*log(abs(det(Hpinv{k})));
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
vlog_ap_Ya0 = -0.5*totparsp*log(2*pi) + tmpd + Apexpt;
% Compute p(a0,k|Y,ao) at some point such as the peak (in this situation, we simply
% generate results from the original Gibbs sampler). See FORECAST (2) pp.70-71
%--- Global set up for Gibbs.
[Tinv,UT] = fn_gibbsrvar_setup(H0inv, Uiconst, Hpinv, Pmat, Viconst, nvar, fss);
vlog_a0_Yao = zeros(nvar,1);
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
% the log value of p(a0k|Y,ao) where ao: other a's at some point such as the peak of ONLY some a0's
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
for k=1:nvar
2017-05-16 15:10:20 +02:00
bk = Uiconst{k}'*A0xhat(:,k);
indx_ks=[k:nvar]; % the columns that exclude 1-(k-1)th columns
A0gbs0 = A0hat; % starting at some point such as the peak
nk = n0(k);
if k<nvar
%--------- The 1st set of draws to be tossed away. ------------------
for draws = 1:ndraws1
if ~mod(draws,nbuffer)
disp(sprintf('The %dth column or equation in A0 with %d 1st tossed-away draws in Gibbs',k,draws))
A0gbs1 = fn_gibbsrvar(A0gbs0,UT,nvar,fss,n0,indx_ks);
A0gbs0=A0gbs1; % repeat the Gibbs sampling
%--------- The 2nd set of draws to be used. ------------------
for draws = 1:ndraws2
if ~mod(draws,nbuffer)
disp(sprintf('The %dth column or equation in A0 with %d usable draws in Gibbs',k,draws))
[A0gbs1, Wcell] = fn_gibbsrvar(A0gbs0,UT,nvar,fss,n0,indx_ks);
%------ See p.71, Forecast (II).
%------ Computing p(a0_k|Y,a_others) at some point such as the peak along the dimensions of indx_ks.
Vk = Tinv{k}\Wcell{k}; %V_k on p.71 of Forecast (II).
gbeta = Vk\bk; % inv(V_k)*b_k on p.71 of Forecast (II) where alpha_k = b_k in our notation.
[Vtq,Vtr]=qr(Vk',0); %To get inv(V_k)'*inv(V_k) in (*) on p.71 of Forecast (II).
vlog(draws) = 0.5*(fss+nk)*log(fss)-log(abs(det(Vk)))-0.5*(nk-1)*log(2*pi)-...
A0gbs0=A0gbs1; % repeat the Gibbs sampling
vlog_a0_Yao(k) = vlogxhat;
% The log value of p(a0_k|Y,a_others) where a_others: other a's at some point such as the peak of ONLY some a0's
disp(sprintf('The last(6th) column or equation in A0 with no Gibbs draws'))
[A0gbs1, Wcell] = fn_gibbsrvar(A0gbs0,UT,nvar,fss,n0,indx_ks)
%------ See p.71, Forecast (II).
%------ Computing p(a0_k|Y,a_others) at some point such as the peak along the dimensions of indx_ks.
Vk = Tinv{k}\Wcell{k}; %V_k on p.71 of Forecast (II).
gbeta = Vk\bk; % inv(V_k)*b_k on p.71 of Forecast (II) where alpha_k = b_k in our notation.
[Vtq,Vtr]=qr(Vk',0); %To get inv(V_k)'*inv(V_k) in (*) on p.71 of Forecast (II).
vloglast = 0.5*(fss+nk)*log(fss)-log(abs(det(Vk)))-0.5*(nk-1)*log(2*pi)-...
vlog_a0_Yao(k) = vloglast;
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
disp('Prior pdf -- log(p(a0hat, a+hat)):');
disp('LH pdf -- log(p(Y|a0hat, a+hat)):');
disp('Posterior Kernal -- logp(ahat) + logp(Y|ahat):');
vlog_Y_a + vlog_a0p
disp('Posterior pdf -- log(p(a0_i_hat|a0_other_hat, Y)):');
disp('Posterior pdf -- log(p(aphat|a0hat, Y)):');
%--------- The value of marginal density p(Y) ----------
2012-02-01 17:10:02 +01:00
disp('************ Marginal Likelihood of Y or Marginal Data Density: ************');
vlogY = vlog_a0p+vlog_Y_a-sum(vlog_a0_Yao)-vlog_ap_Ya0